Feb 23, 2007

#8: The Living Eulogy (Friday, February 23)

We all know someone who, since they've entered our lives, it's been changed for the better. More than likely, it's a family member or a significant other. Family members and significant others are likely choices, but what about the people who've helped to make a positive change on your life who aren't related to you and who have absolutely nothing to gain from helping you be the best person you can be? Many times we wait until the person is no longer around to articulate how much they've impacted our lives...why not give them a living eulogy?

The Idea: Think of someone (other than parents and significant others) who has helped to make you the person you are today. When you've identified that person, give them a call, send them an email, a card or some other communication telling them exactly how they've impacted your life.

The Cost: Your time

The Benefit: There are several:

1) If you've never told this person before, you'll have an opportunity to let him/her know how much they mean to you.

2) If you have expressed these feelings, it will be an unexpected and pleasant reminder.

3) Life is a chain. If you have impacted someone's life in a positive way, it's partly because of the influence of someone who has done the same for you.

Testimonial: I have many people who've helped me become the person I am today, but my most recent and impactful transformations I credit to my former boss, mentor, friend, and sometimes substitute mother, Digna.

Digna is one of the most genuine, positive and uplifting people I know. She always is willing to lend an ear, a hand - even when she's dealing with her own problems. She urges me to dig deep and embrace my talents and strengths, some of which I didn't even know I had. A couple years ago, Digna sat me down and told me that my attitude was my barrier to success. She was right; once I changed my attitude, I changed my world. With her guidance, I've come a loooooooong way.

Her constant encouragement, objective advice and the selfless, unconditional way she gives of herself makes her truly an angel on earth. I consider myself truly blessed to have her as a part of my life.

"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give."
-Winston Churchill; also one of Digna's favorite quotes

Let me know what you think of this Good Friday idea...

Feb 16, 2007

#7: Support the Streets (Friday, February 16)

If you've been on the east coast recently, you know that we're in the middle of a deep freeze with some very nasty weather. Even other parts of the country (snow in Texas, rain in Cali) have felt the effects of global warming. If you work inside, it's not such a big deal, but if you make your living as a street artisan, the weather could determine whether or not you'll be able to eat, or pay rent.

The Idea: Street artisans use their God-given talents and creativity to make beautiful and useful things for our consumption. It's harder for them to make a living in inclement weather. Show your support by buying from a street vendor.

The Cost: The cost of the item.

The Benefit: You'll be helping to support someone who is WORKING to make a living, instead of relying on government assistance, stealing or doing some other illegal activity.

P.S. The purchase of bootleg DVDs and CDs and other knock-offs doesn't count.

Tell me what you think of this idea...

Feb 9, 2007

#6: Lift Spirits with Letters (Friday, February 9)

Email has become so convenient that we don't write letters half as much as we used to. Who wants to write the letter, go to the post office, stand on line, buy stamps - and everything else - just to send a letter when you can give the person a call or shoot them a quick email?

But think how nice it would be if you went to your mailbox and got an actual letter from someone you knew, rather than the bills and junk mail we typically receive? To think that someone went through all that effort and trouble JUST for you! What a nice feeling it is.

The Idea: You know hundreds of people. Probably even thousands. Choose ONE person and write them a nice, positive and uplifting letter. If possible, choose someone you haven't spoken to in a while; that will make it all the more special and unexpected.

The Cost: Your time and postage.

The Benefit: You will let someone know you care AND brighten their day with an unexpected communication.

Tell me what you think of this idea...

Feb 2, 2007

#5: Give The World A Physical (Friday, February 2)

I know of 3 people whose deaths could have been prevented by a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, they found out about their health conditions too late. You probably know a few people like that too.

The Idea: Encourage (and if possible, accompany) two people you know to the doctor. You can even go a step further and offer to pay for the visit if money is an obstacle. Often people who refuse to go to the doctor are stubborn. Don't take no for an answer.

The Cost: Your time (and the cost of the physical).

The Benefit: You could save someone's life.