Nov 29, 2013

#361: Just Say No (Friday, November 29)

This week's affirmation: "I'll say 'no' to some good things, so I can make room to say 'yes' to the great things."

Nov 22, 2013

#360: When You're Lost (Friday, November 22)

This week's affirmation:
"You've taken a hit. Life has knocked you down, but you are not knocked out. You have more going for you than you realize. Others might laugh and say you're through. But they don't know you like that. You have the ability to pull victory from the jaws of defeat! Now is the time for you to gather your wits; clear your head and mind; and dig down deep. Resolve to unleash your creative energy, unstoppable attitude and resourcefulness.

This is your time and your moment to prove to yourself and to everyone else who you really are. You have the power to change your circumstances; change your finances; love again; rebuild relationships; and create your own job or business. You have the power to open the doors of possibility and move your life forward. You have the power within you because you have something special. You have GREATNESS within you! (Thank you Les Brown!)" - status update on my friend's Facebook page

Nov 15, 2013

#359: Pieces of You (Friday, November 15)

This week's affirmation: I will bring all of me to every interaction.

Nov 8, 2013

#358: Change the Message (Friday, November 8)

This week's affirmation: I have the power to change my message. I can make it whatever I want it to be.

We are all marketers. At any given time, you are sending a message to the world about who you are. Sometimes the message isn't quite what we'd like it to be, and in those situations, it can affect our lives quite dramatically. Your message could determine whether you get a promotion, or be selected to as part of someone's bridal party, or get invited to an event.

We all have the power to change our message. It may not change someone's perception of you if they've already formed an opinion -- but it can change future interactions.

Harness your power.

Nov 1, 2013