Jun 26, 2015

#443: This Is A Stick Up (Friday, June 26)

Sometimes people will take your comments/actions the wrong way. You have no control over that, but isn't it great to know that your loved ones - the people who know you best - have your back and will stick up for you?

You can also be that person for someone else. Stick up for your friends if you think they're being misjudged or wrongly accused. Be awesome and have someone's back! Loyalty is a most admirable quality.

Jun 19, 2015

#442: The Reverse Wolf (Friday, June 19)

Everyone's heard the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf - he kept asking for help when he didn't need it, and when he finally needed it, no one believed him and no one came.

But the Reverse Wolf - not reaching out to someone until you need help - is just as bad. And it can be hurtful to the person on the receiving end who only hears from you when you need a favor.

So go through your contacts, and be awesome to someone who you haven't spoken to in a while. Don't wait til you need their help.

Fathers' Day is just around the corner - it's a great reason to reach out and reconnect.

Jun 12, 2015

#441: Fight! (Friday, June 12)

There's an old saying that anything worth having is worth fighting for. And many of us believe this to be true - except when it comes to relationships. We fight (ie, work hard) in our jobs; when we want to purchase property; when we start a business; for our beliefs and principles...but in romantic relationships, familial relationships and friendships, some of us adopt a "if it's meant to be, it'll be" approach.

Fight for what you want; for the people you want; for the relationships you want to maintain.

Jun 5, 2015

#440: In Case No One's Told You (Friday, June 5)

You're doing alright. It may not feel like it sometimes, but you are on the right path for you.

Do not be distracted by what others are doing, or be swayed by what others think you should be doing. Trust the choices you make, the risks you take and live your life with conviction. Appreciate even the mistakes and missteps you make along the way. They are all a part of your journey, and you can't get to the next milestone without them.

Yes, there will always be someone smarter, taller, better looking, thinner or richer than you. And sometimes it will make you feel insecure and question your place in this world. Don't. Your place in this universe is already secure. There can, and will always be, only one you. 

This is your story, write it the way you choose.

Now be awesome and share this message with someone who needs to hear it!