May 29, 2009

#126: Garbage In, Garbage Out? (Friday, May 29)

L.A. sucks.
Originally uploaded by theecreeper
Since my theme this year is going green, I've gotten called a lot of names by friends: the eco-fanatic, Greenpeace, Hulk, and Kermit (that's my favorite, 'cos it's really not easy being green) to name a few.

Unfortunately, I don't think many people realize the long lasting effects of not adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle. Air pollution, for example, can be the source of many health problems (wheezing, coughing, respiratory diseases and asthma) and can even shorten one's life.

I was reading an ad on the subway this morning that NY has a carbon footprint that is 75% less than the national average, largely owing to the fact that many people use public transportation. It prompted me to research pollution levels across the country. I was suprised to find out that California, which I thought to be one of the most health-conscious states, is the most polluted state in the country. The state appears at least 4 times on each of the top polluted lists. Another surprise? New York doesn't appear on any of the lists.

Here is some food for thought, courtesy of City Mayors. It's especially noteworthy for people who have kids or are thinking of settling down in those cities (click here to read the entire article):

Most polluted US cities
(By short-term particle pollution)
1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2. Fresno, California
3. Bakersfield, California
4. Los Angeles, California.
5. Birmingham, Alabama
6. Salt Lake City, Utah
7. Sacramento, California
8. Logan, Utah
9. Chicago, Illinois
9. Detroit, Michigan

Most polluted US cities
(By ozone pollution)
1. Los Angeles, California
2. Bakersfield, California
3. Visalia, California
4. Fresno, California
5. Houston, Texas
6. Sacramento, California.
7. Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
8. Charlotte, North Carolina
9. Phoenix, Arizona
10. El Centro, California

Most polluted US cities
(By year-round particle pollution)
1. Bakersfield, California
2. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3. Los Angeles, California
4. Visalia, California
5. Birmingham, Alabama
6. Hanford, California
7. Fresno, California
8. Cincinnati, Ohio
9. Detroit, Michigan
10. Cleveland, Ohio

Remember, every little bit helps...opting to take public transportation even 1 day per week, could dramatically decrease your city's air pollution. What you inhale could be affecting your health.

May 22, 2009

#125: You Can't Take A Holiday From Who You Are (Friday, May 22)

Memorial Day
Originally uploaded by Dave Ward Photography
This is a big holiday weekend in the United States: Memorial Day Weekend. All throughout the country, people will be barb-b-queing, jetting off to visit friends and family and just letting loose in preparation for the summer. Even though it's a holiday, we shouldn't take a vacation from trying to do our part to make the Earth a greener place.

Here are some eco-friendly tips that you can implement this Memorial Day Weekend:

Consolidate - If there are several people having BBQs, why not pool your efforts and throw one event?

Carpool - Whether you're going to be beach or a nearby state, link up with some friends (or use a rideshare service) to make your trip a little greener.

If you do decide to host a BBQ keep the following in mind:
1. Even though it cooks a little slower than a regular grill, a solar powered stove best option for outdoor cooking. If that's not available, your other choices are (in order of greenness): natural gas grill, electric grill, propane. Avoid charcoal if possible.

2. Use re-usable dishes and utensils, instead of plastic. If you must use disposable, choose materials that have been recyceled, or those that are biodegradable. Also try to use napkins that can be washed and re-used, but if you have to go with paper napkins choose the ones made from recycled paper.

3. Keep separate bags for your recyclables and regular trash and make sure your guests know that you recycle.

4. Get your produce and ingredients for your BBQ from your local farmer's market.

5. Start a compost heap in a corner of your backyard for scraps of food. The soil from compost can be used to fertilize your garden.

6. Urge guests to take leftover food so that it doesn't go to waste, or donate leftovers to a nearby shelter.

Happy Memorial Day!

May 15, 2009

#124: Forgiveness (Friday, May 15)

I've been struggling a lot lately with the concept of forgiveness. Then this week, a light bulb went off. It appears that I've been a little hypocritical in my thinking. Since January, I've been giving you green tips to make a difference and save the Earth, one of the most forgiving organisms known to mankind.

For years -- no centuries--the Earth has put up with our abuse and neglect, never once complaining and still bearing us fruit, keeping us warm and providing us life. Even now, when she's forgiven us so many times and the results of her forgiveness has started causing a strain on her frail frame, she's continued to bear the brunt of our frustrations and thoughtlessness without complaining. 

Even now, when we've started implementing lofty ideas of deserting her for other "inhabitable" planets, she's still forgiving and patient. She never reminds us of the harm we've heaped upon her head, and bears her load in silence.

What have we done to repay her forgiveness? Have we planted trees, saved water, tried to become more eco-friendly? Or have we taken her for granted, and continued to go about our lives?

How many times would a friend have to betray you before you stop forgiving them?

Prove that you're worth the earth's forgiveness, do something eco-friendly today

Need an idea? Check out the forgiveness garden..

May 8, 2009

Good Friday #123: It's All In The Mind (Friday, May 8)

Originally uploaded by Marketing Paul
Did you know May is National Mental Health Month? As a Caribbean person, mental health often comes with such a stigma in our community that a lot of people don't get the treatment or help they need.

Mental illness encompasses more than just the "popular" diseases like schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. Anxiety, stress and panic attacks (which are more common) are all included.

Since this year our theme is going green, I'm giving 3 green ideas that can also improve your mental health:

Take a hike. Exercise increases endorphins, which will make you feel better, and it's always good to get out and get some fresh air.

Volunteer. Doing good for others always improves your mood. Whether it's helping to build eco-friendly homes, cleaning up a school yard, or donating your time to a worthy cause, you'll feel better afterwards.

Plan an ecofriendly vacation. There's nothing like getting away to appease anxiety and relax. One of my girlfriends went on an eco vacation last year and she said it's the best trip she's been on. Take the Green Vacation Quiz ( then start planning your own.

May 1, 2009

#122: Spring Cleaning (Friday, May 1)

Admittedly it's a little late for spring cleaning, but better late that never. Here are some tips that I'm using to help my spring cleaning along:

  1. I've committed to switching out at least 1 cleaning product for a greener/eco friendly alternative. Even if it's something as simple as switching from paper towels to reusable cleaning rags, it's a step in the right direction. If you're a parent, this is probably an even better idea: in 2004, traditional cleaning products were responsible for about 9% of the calls to poison control centers. Method Mint Window Cleaner is the new Windex. :)
  2. I'm hosting another clothing exchange party at my house. If I haven't worn it in more than a year, it's going in the clothing exchange pile. If you can't make it to my party, check out organizations like Clothing Swap and Swap-O-Rama-Rama for adults; Swap Baby Goods and Zwaggle for babies; Paper Back Swap for books; and Zunafish for books, CDs, DVDs and videograms. And of course, there's always Freecycle.
  3. I'm giving my old jeans which are no longer wearable to Habitat for Humanity. They'll use them as insulation in the houses they build.
What are you doing for spring cleaning?