Nov 30, 2007

#48: Genie For A Day (Friday, November 30)

I'm in love with the Sears holiday ad campaign. I don't know if anyone's seen it, but the concept is, "instead of giving gifts, grant wishes" which I think is great. Gifts are memorable, and some of them last a long time, but can you imagine granting someone's wish?

The Idea: Instead of giving someone a gift for Christmas or their birthday, grant them a wish. Of course, some wishes aren't within your power (like, "I wish I had a million dollars"; or "I wish I could fly") but I'm sure most people can find someone with a wish so simple that it would take just a little of your time and energy to grant.

The Cost: Maybe some time; maybe a little cash...who knows?

The Benefit: It is an amazing feeling to make someone so happy that you know you will be remembered forever.

Testimonial: This year, I helped to grant 3 person cried, one person laughed and one person...well, I don't know what happened with the third, since it was anonymously done. But the happiness I felt was like no other.

Here are some ways you can grant a wish this season:
- Operation Santa Claus
- Adopt-A -Wish through the Make A Wish Foundation for ill children
- Ask your loved ones about some of their greatest wishes and see what's in your power to grant

(P.S. World AIDS Day is tomorrow...have you done Good Friday #47? If not, what are you waiting for?)

Nov 23, 2007

#47: AID a Good Cause (Friday, November 23)

Next Saturday, December 1, 2007 is World AIDS Day.  Although you may not think it affects you personally, consider this: Africa has the most HIV infections in the world; the Caribbean region has the third largest infection rate in the world; and Brooklyn, NY has the highest infection rate of any city in North America.  Scary, huh?

The Idea: Do one small action to help support the fight against HIV/AIDS or to help those living with the disease. Here are some suggestions:

  • Get tested and encourage your friends to do the same.  To find an HIV Testing Center near you, text your zip code to KNOWIT.
  • Fundraise: help raise money for a local HIV/AIDS organization.
  • Wear a red ribbon; it may prompt one person to ask about its purpose and begin a conversation on the disease.
  • Wear a HIV/AIDS awareness t-shirt.
  • Add World AIDS Day to your Myspace and Facebook friends so your other friends can see that you are supporting the fight.
  • Buy MAC Viva Glam Lipstick: all the proceeds go to the MAC AIDS Fund to support HIV/AIDS causes.
  • Buy other products that donate part of the proceeds of your purchase to HIV/AIDS organizations.

The Cost: the cost of whatever activity you decide to do.

The Benefit: If you get even one more person to change their habits, get tested or even just have a discussion about the disease, the benefit will make itself apparent.

Nov 16, 2007

#46: And A Child Shall Lead Them (Friday, November 16)

I used to be a bookworm when I was younger (which probably explains why I'm KICKING BUTT right now on last week's Good Friday idea). Everyone who knew me bought me books for gifts...dolls were secondary in my world. It occurred to me the other day that I have no clue what happened to those childhood books. Such a pity!

The Idea: Collect children's books from the kids of family and friends who have outgrown them and donate your collection to the children's ward of your local hospital.

The Cost: Just your time.

The Benefit: Reading feeds the imagination. You can help find a home for things that are no longer needed; help a child escape his/her sickness even for a short while; and help promote philanthropy and caring with the children who are donating their used books.

(P.S. I just found out this past week was National Random Acts of Kindness Week. Imagine that! I still think random acts of kindness should be part of everyone's daily routine.)

P.S.S. Please excuse the formatting of this entry; it was typed entirely on my Blackberry.

Nov 9, 2007

#45: Words Speak Louder Than Actions (Friday, November 9)

Those who know me very well know that I'm a stickler for vocabulary. Often, I find myself using words that even I wonder how I knew the meaning. :) Now, I've found a way to use my love of words and vocabulary to help those less fortunate.

The Idea: Use your vocabulary knowledge to help fight hunger around the world. Go to and take their vocabulary challenge. For each word you get right, they'll donate 10 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger. It may not seem like much, but think of what a spoonful of rice can do for someone whose stomach is the size of a pea. Supersize the idea: this is a great activity for high school seniors who are preparing to take their SATs.

The Cost: A couple minutes each day.

The Benefit: Not only will you be improving your own knowledge and making yourself a better person, you'll also be helping those less fortunate than yourself.

Testimonial: In just 3 minutes, I was able to donate 310 grains of rice...and I found out my vocabulary level was a 38. Now I want to challenge myself to get every word in their system right. Who wants to join me?

Nov 2, 2007

#44: Use Your Holidays Wisely (Friday, November 2)

I have to work whenever the stock market is open. As such, I don't get many of the holidays that many of my friends get. But for the holidays I do get off, most of the time all I want to do is lay in bed and catch up on sleep. Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I thought it'd be a good idea to focus on that holiday. Aside from the fact that there is no such day in Jamaica and I have to work the next day, I think one should give thanks every day. In addition, for Native Americans, that holiday represents something completely different.

The Idea: Use the holidays you don't celebrate or disagree with to help those less fortunate. For Thanksgiving Day, why not volunteer in your community? Or help educate others about Native American history?

The Cost: Just a little of your time

The Benefit: You will feel more accomplished on that day, and instead of filling yourself with food (and probably regretting it later), you can fill yourself with pride. :)