Oct 31, 2014

#409: Checked Baggage (Friday, October 31)

"Your baggage can be scars or beauty marks." -Jeannie Mai

Everyone has "baggage." It could be something someone said to you, or an experience that created, or highlighted an existing insecurity. Sometimes the baggage is unconscious; we don't even know that something is an issue until it rears its ugly head. Other times, we know what our baggage is, but still carry it around with us.

This week's action: Check your baggage. Confront your insecurities. Whatever's weighing on your mind, speak it aloud - whether it's to yourself in the privacy of your home, to a trusted confidante, or to a therapist - but don't carry it around anymore.

Why we're doing it: Insecurities prevent you from being the greatest you can be. Baggage left unchecked will only get heavier to bear. It'll weigh you down. Carrying it around will make it harder to reach and achieve your goals.

Oct 24, 2014

#408: The Best You Never Had (Friday, October 24)

The trip you couldn't make. The relationship you thought would last that didn't. The job you didn't get. The thing you worked so hard at, that fell through at the last moment - after you'd given your all. These are the disappointments of life. But what if you looked at it differently? What if not getting that thing you wanted so badly was fate preparing you for something else?

This week's action: Think of one thing you wanted really, really badly that you didn't get/that didn't work out. Now think of all the ways your life is richer for not having gotten that thing.

Why we're doing it: Sometimes we focus so much on the things we think we're supposed to have and to be, that we might not see the opportunities that are waiting for us on the sidelines.

Oct 17, 2014

#407: Reactive (Friday, October 3)

  1. showing a response to a stimulus.

Have you ever been in a situation where you're constantly reacting to what's happening around you? A situation where, no matter how you try to be proactive and get in front of it, you consistently find yourself too late, always trying to catch up? I've been in such a predicament and it's not a great feeling.

This week's action: Think of a situation that's currently happening in your life that you're reacting to instead of being proactive. Why do you think you're being reactive? Fear? Laziness? Uncertainty? Think of some way you can turn that situation around and take more control.

Why we're doing it: It's your life; don't spend it in the passenger seat. You control your destiny, so take control of the wheel and drive.

Oct 10, 2014

#406: Tradeoffs (Friday, October 10)

"Whenever you see me being exceptional in one part of my life, I'm invariably failing in other parts. In order to sew my daughter's Halloween costume, I'm missing a table reading. Or going to my daughter's first recital means that I have to miss Sandra Oh's last day at Grey's..." -Shonda Rhimes, Women on Wall Street Conference 2014

Last year I had a phenomenal year in one aspect of my life. But there were other parts of my life that weren't going so well, so even though I'd had this major accomplishment, I couldn't really enjoy it because I felt like such a failure for not having complete success in everything.

Hearing Shonda speak this week was the first time I've heard someone at the top of their field discuss this reality openly and honestly.

This week's action: What are your tradeoffs? What are you willing to give up/not do so well, in order to be exceptional at other things? Be honest!

Why we're doing it: I think sometimes we want it all - to be amazing in all aspects of our lives. For a tiny fraction of the population, it may be possible. But the majority of us have to make sacrifices and tradeoffs. Celebrate your accomplishments, and recognize that all the successful people you admire have likely made tradeoffs in their lives as well.

Oct 3, 2014

#405: On the Road to Greatness (Friday, October 3)

"Do you want to be great or do you want to be perceived as being great?"

Everyone has their own definition of greatness. For some, it's an intrinsic feeling of accomplishment; for others it's comes from being recognized for your accomplishments.

What does being great mean to you? And how would you answer the question above?

This week's action: Define greatness in your own terms. Are you being great right now? If "yes", what will you do to maintain your level of greatness? If no, figure out what you need to do to match your own definition.