Apr 25, 2008

#69: Feed the Longing (Friday, April 25)

Good Friday #68 was AMAZING. One of the high points of my year so far. I thought I'd continue the streak with another great way to enjoy life...

The Idea: Do something you've always wanted to do...and let nothing stand in your way.

The Cost: The cost of whatever it is you've been longing for.

The Benefit: You can cross it off your Bucket List.

Testimonial: For years I've wanted to go to the Tribeca Film Festival, but the tickets to the shows I wanted to see were always sold out. I finally got hip to the game and realized that you needed an AMEX to but tickets early.

I asked all my friends...no dice. But I was determined that I was going to make it to the Tribeca Film Fest this year, by ANY means necessary and on my terms (I'd gone to see a film last year on a date, but I didn't get to choose).

Long story short, I will be seeing three fantastic documentaries (my favorite category): An Omar Broadway Film, Kassim the Dream and My Life Inside. I'm soooo excited! Whoo-hoo!

Apr 18, 2008

#68: Get Out of Character (Friday, April 18)

What an amazing two weeks these have been! I'll just sum it up by saying I got a much needed visit from an old friend (and some great perspective) and overcame a big obstacle. :)

So happy and refreshing were these two changes, that I decided to do something completely out of my character...

The Idea: Do something that is completely opposite of your character and ENJOY it to the fullest.

The Cost: Within your price range.

The Benefit: Just the act of doing something impulsive is liberating.

Testimonial: I worry and plan. That's my character. I like itineraries and I always have a Plan A, a plan B and sometimes a Plan C. But I recently did something (that for me is) completely wild. I booked a last minute trip without planning, strategizing or even asking for the time off before I did it.

Whoo-hoo!! I'm so excited! I leave tomorrow am to an unknown land. No cell phone, no Blackberry, no internet...I will be completely unreachable for the next 4 days. :)

Apr 11, 2008

#67: Make A Meal (Friday, April 11)

I have an obsession with food. I love, love, love to eat. It is one of my passions in life. Food, in my opinion, isn't just about sustenance. It's about the experience.

The Idea: Make yourself a fantastic meal and enjoy it with a bottle of wine or your favorite beverage.

The Cost:
If you're making it yourself, it shouldn't cost more than $40.

The Benefit: You improve your cooking skills and get to immediately enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Testimonial: I think I'm a pretty good cook, but with my work schedule I've taken to making salads since last year and meals that take less than 30 minutes. My salads end up being very, er, hearty. My specialty is a chicken salad with lettuce, corn, raisins, red, green and orange peppers, croutons, apples, eggs and pepperjack cheese.

Apr 4, 2008

#66: Easy Like Sunday Morning (Friday, April 4)

I started a routine last year: every Sunday I go out for brunch. Sometimes I have company, but most times I'm alone. Sometimes it's early in the morning and other times, it's almost dinner time...but I always go for brunch on Sundays. It's my time to review the weekend, prepare for the week ahead, and just enjoy life.

The Idea: Make brunch a part of your life.

The Cost: About $20.

The Benefit: Some quiet time by yourself, enjoying a good meal.