Sep 25, 2015

#456: Sticks & Stones (Friday, September 25)

"The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it." -Gene Amole

The old adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not true. Your words have weight and can be just as hurtful as sticks and stones.

Be awesome to others and choose your words carefully. You never know what will do irreparable damage to someone else.

Sep 18, 2015

#455: Be Spontaneous (Friday, September 18)

"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar. But I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar."

Sometimes the best times occur when you least expect them, when things happen naturally and authentically. Everyone's so busy these days that it often takes weeks to plan an outing for a group.

Be awesome, reach out to a friend and just have a spontaneous meet up.

Sep 11, 2015

#454: Confront Your Mortality (Friday, September 11)

It's not a subject that many people like to talk about, but every once in a while, we each need to confront our mortality.

Be awesome to your loved ones: have a real, frank conversation with them about your wishes in the event that you can't make decisions for yourself. Not only will it put their minds at ease, you'll feel better too.

Sep 4, 2015

#453: Don't Jump! (Friday, September 4) conclusions, that is. You've heard the saying about what happens when you "assume"; you create stories, make your own interpretation of innocent actions and basically see things that aren't there.

Be awesome to someone else by not jumping to conclusions, but asking questions and clarifying. You can save yourself (and others) a lot of unnecessary hurt feelings, miscommunications and grief.