Dec 27, 2007

#52: Avoid Thought Traps! (Friday, December 28)

This is it: the last Good Friday of 2007. I can't believe it's been a year. When I started this back in January, I didn't think I'd have enough ideas for an entire year of Fridays (believe me, it's hard to come up with 52 ideas). But it's here, and I'd like to think that even if some people weren't actually doing the ideas, my Good Friday emails provided a little burst of positive energy for the weekend.

The Idea: Sometimes with our busy schedules and responsibilities, it's hard to find time to do things that impact other people's life. But remember that positive thoughts begets positive energy, so avoid thought traps that may prevent you from making a difference:
  1. "That's just the way the world is."
  2. "It's not my responsibility."
  3. "One person can't make a difference."
  4. "Building a better world seems overwhelming."
  5. "I don't have the time or energy."
  6. "I'm not a saint."
  7. "I don't know enough about world issues."
  8. "I don't know where to begin."
  9. "I'm not an activist."
(To read more about the thought traps, visit: Building A Better World

The Cost: Determination and the willingness to be the change you want to see in the world.

The Benefit: You can make a difference!

Other reading: The Better World Handbook, The Difference A Day Makes: 365 Ways to Change Your World in Just 24 Hours, Unconditional Acts of Kindess

Dec 21, 2007

#51: Track Your Progress (Friday, December 21)

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

A few years ago, one of my friends asked me to complete an exercise, which I've found so invaluable that I
've used it every year since. For a few days leading up to my birthday, I was slightly depressed because I felt like I hadn't accomplished everything I set out to do this year. My friend's exercise helped me to realize that I'd had a pretty good year. Even though I hadn't accomplished everything I wanted, there was so much I had done.

The Idea: Take 30 minutes to think about all the things that have happened in your life this year. Of all your experiences, select your best and worst moments. If you have more best moments than worst moments, consider yourself fortunate and blessed. If you have more worst moments than best, consider yourself fortunate anyway. At least you made it through those worst moments, and you're a stronger person for it.

The Cost: Just your time.

The Benefit: By tracking your progress (even your failures) you will have a clearer understanding of what you need to do to move forward and accomplish your goals for 2008.

Testimonial: After evaluating my year, I realized that I had numerous best moments, including:
I had impacted the lives of many people through my weekly Good Friday emails.
I had done all except about 5 of the Good Friday ideas myself.
I'd gotten a new job, doing what I liked to do.
I'd conquered my fear of long flights, which enabled me to have a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience in Egypt.
And I'd met new people who have impacted my life in a positive way.

So I didn't buy the house, or read 52 books, and I probably won't be making Brazil carnival in January, but when I put it in perspective, I'm still happy which was the biggest goal I had for myself in 2007.

Dec 14, 2007

#50: Join A Co-Op (Friday, December 14)

I'm a bit of a germaphobe and as such, I'm really passionate about the food I put into my body. Add to that the fact that my dad is a farmer (which has made me accustomed to good, fresh food) and you have someone who is almost maniacal about their food.

The Idea: Join a local food co-op. Not only is it a great way to ensure you are getting good quality foods, you are also helping to sustain local farmers AND you'll know where your food is coming from.

The Cost: Membership fees and in some cases, your time.

The Benefit: Healthier food, healthier you, and the opportunity to help support local businesses.

Testimonial: I'm looking into a couple in my neighborhood now and hope to join one for next year.

Dec 7, 2007

#49: Gifts That Give Back (Friday, December 7)

So after last week's Good Friday, I got some feedback that sometimes it's not feasible to grant a wish. Well, good news: there are other alternatives.

The Idea: Give gifts that give back. If you have to give a gift, why not give a green gift or a gift that helps to sustain the community? Some ideas:
The Cost: The cost of the gift you choose to send.

The Benefit: You'll be able to finish your holiday shopping and also fulfill your global responsibility by giving gifts that help those in emerging countries and also help our environment.

Testimonial: I gave a couple colleagues MAC Viva Glam lipsticks as a holiday stocking stuffer. I was able to support World AIDS Day and also do something for the holidays. And I'm sure my two purchases helped MAC AIDS Foundation raise 100 mil for AIDS charities this year. :)