Aug 29, 2014

#400: No Workout Needed (Friday, August 29)

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." -Albert Einstein

There is something in each of us. It is a gift. Some say it shows up more often and consistently in women, but I believe we all have it. The sixth sense, just as important as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touch, is the sense we often forget to use. The gut feeling that dances around in the back of our minds that drives so much of our action.

There's a workout to tone your thighs, your butt, your arms and your chest. But you don't need a workout for your gut. You just need to listen.

This week's action: Just listen. The answer you need is already there. :)

Aug 22, 2014

#399: We're All Not Actors (Friday, August 22)

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not - nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with great talent. Genius will not - unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not - the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent." -Calvin Coolidge

In choosing this theme of "actin' up" for 2014, I forgot one important thing: We're all not actors. If every single person on earth was a doer, our world would be an efficient place. Some of us are talkers/thinkers and that's not a bad thing - we need them too to balance our world.

And there are some people who switch between action and ideas, depending on the situation.

This week's action:  Be honest with yourself. Figure out who you are - whether you're prone to action or ideas - and be comfortable with it.

Why we're doing it: The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves. Plus, for the talkers/thinkers among us, it'll help you to be proud of who you are and figure out a way to embrace your strengths.

Aug 15, 2014

#398: Small Change (Friday, August 8)

“An angle of only one degree is difficult to draw on a piece of paper. It is too small. If a flight from New York to Los Angeles is off course by just one degree, the plane will arrive closer to Tijuana, Mexico, than Los Angeles.” -Small Change by Susan & Larry Terkel

You run into someone you haven't seen in a few months and they've gained/lost a lot of weight since you last saw them. A couple that you've always admired, whose union seemed so solid, announces they're getting a divorce. Someone experiences a setback and then completely transforms their life in a few months.

These aren't random events; they're a series of small changes that happen over time until they add up.

This week's action: Decide on ONE SMALL change you will make in your life. It could be something as simple as smiling more; replacing a beverage at one meal with a glass of water; or spending 10 minutes every day focused on some area of your life. You decide, but do it every day and make it a habit.

Why we're doing it: Small changes add  up. They're easier to make than huge, sweeping makeovers and are more consistent with human nature.

And speaking of small changes, you should now have $561 in your envelopes. If you haven't done it in a while, you can still catch up.

Aug 8, 2014

#397: Curveballs (Friday, August 8)

You're on your way to your goals, actin' up and accomplishing stuff. Then life throws you a curveball. You're paralyzed - uncertainty, fear and worry are making it difficult for  you to decide on your next course of action, let alone do anything.

This week's action: If you get a curveball thrown your way, remember these three facts:

  • Every good thing that has happened in your life to this point has been the result of a change.
  • Don't focus on what has happened - it's the past. Put your energy into creating meaningful results based on what is.
  • Change = opportunity. Breathe, smile and make that opportunity your own.

Aug 1, 2014

#396: What Have You Done For Me Lately? (Friday, August 1)

"Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do."

In January when I recommended partnering up to achieve your goals, there was one step that was at the bottom of the page. For some, it may not have received the attention it deserved so I'm going to reiterate it:

"You must also be willing to be a partner or ally for someone else's goals."

This week's action: Think of the people who've helped you this year - even if it wasn't with one of your goals. Now think of something you can do to help them and do it. 

Why we're doing it: Sometimes we can get selfish and myopic about our needs. If/when you need their help in the future, you're more likely to get it because you've created a balanced relationship.

It's the end of the month. Get your action blitz on!