Mar 25, 2016

#482: Ripping the Band Aid Off (Friday, March 25)

Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. Expose yourself to your fears often. 

Afraid of spiders? Go to the zoo at least once a month, visit the spider section, even if you don't look.

Scared of heights? Spend 5 minutes each week on the top floor of a tall building. Close your eyes and imagine you're some place else. Do it until you can open your eyes and look out.

Mar 18, 2016

#481: Bizarro You (Friday, March 18)

Remember the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine started hanging out with her Bizarro friends - three guys who were polar opposites of Jerry, Bizarro George and Bizarro Kramer? It's one of my favorite episodes.

Sometimes fear can create the Bizarro you. I've met people who don't drink because their parents were alcoholics and even go the extra mile to make sure you don't drink either; people who obsess about being thin - sometimes unhealthily so - because obesity runs in their family; and people who are so afraid of becoming something they perceive as undesirable, that they stray so far in the opposite direction.

Don't allow fear to create the Bizarro you.

Mar 11, 2016

#480: Flashback Friday (Friday, March 11)

Remember that time you were scared sh*tless about that thing, but you went ahead and did it anyway? Remember how good you felt AFTER you'd faced your fear?

Harness that feeling - that feeling of exuberance, accomplishment, badassness - and use it to help you face the next hurdle.

Mar 4, 2016

#479: The Snowflake That Started the Avalanche (Friday, March 4)

Sometimes when trying to face your fears, all you need to do is take one small step in their direction. The universe will conspire to give you what you need - courage, support, understanding - to confront your fears head on.

And once you make that tiny step, you'll be surprised easy it'll be to take another, and another, and another...until your journey to conquering your fear is complete.