Sep 29, 2017

Good Friday #561: Divine Intervention (Friday, September 29)

This week I wanted to wring someone's neck. I don't often get upset to that point, but on the rare occasion that I do it goes from 0-100.

So I'm most grateful for divine intervention, which came in the form of A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson - and the gentle reminder that "Negative emotions need to be released, not suppressed."

Sep 22, 2017

#560: A Sorry Replacement (Friday, September 22)

This week, I wanted to share a thought. (I'm not the author, and couldn't find the correct attribution.)

Sep 15, 2017

Good Friday #559: Craven Dog Lose Him Bone (Friday, September 15)

(The greedy dog will lose his bone.)

There's a difference between ambition and greed.

One can be dissatisfied with one's lot or station in life and work hard to change it, and when one does, they are satisfied. They enjoy the fruits of their labors, and are proud of their accomplishments. It may even prompt the person to set other goals and work hard to achieve them. That is ambition.

Greed can never be satisfied. It is selfish, lazy and destructive. It doesn't leave room for many meaningful relationships, because it is always wanting, always looking for greener pastures.

This week, I'm most grateful that I know the difference.

Sep 8, 2017

Good Friday #558: Bloody, But Unbowed (Friday, September 8)

When bad things happen in one's life, it can make a person become hard, unforgiving, jaded and distrustful.

This week, I am most grateful that life has not made me hard; that in spite of some experiences that have bloodied my head; I am still optimistic about what's to come.

Sep 1, 2017

Good Friday #557: Mirror, Mirror (Friday, September 1)

"Your obstacle may be in the mirror." -via @goodnewsjamaica

It's never intentional; and it's a result of my worrying so much, but sometimes I make things more difficult than they need to be. There, I've said it.

This week, I am most grateful that I'm learning to get out of my own way.