May 30, 2014

#387: Beat Average (Friday, May 30)

The other day I saw this commercial entitled, Beat Average. It resonated with me, because I'd just blown off the gym "because it was too late."

This week's action: Watch this commercial. Identify one thing that keeps you average. Beat it.

Why we're doing it: Because average is for, well, average people...and you're not one of 'em. :)

Remember this is also the end of the month, so make sure you do your month-end blitz and make your weekly contribution.

May 23, 2014

#386: Practice Makes...Confident? (Friday, May 23)

I recently attended a presentation given by the two authors of The Confidence Code. During one part of the discussion, they talked about how venturing out of your comfort zone and trying something new - and practicing it - can make one more confident.

This week's action: Do something that makes you uncomfortable.

Why we're doing it: Discomfort is growth. The act of doing something outside of your comfort zone and completing it - even if you don't do it well, or you fail - is enough to give your confidence a boost.

May 16, 2014

#385: On Ankle Braces & Crutches (Friday, May 16)

We all need support, people (and things) that help us in our weakest moments and until we become strong again. But there's a fine line between support and a crutch.

A crutch provides support, but if it's used too long, it may make you weaker than you were when you originally started using it and prevent you from being great.

This week's action: Think of two people/things in your life that you're using as a crutch. Put together a mini plan for how you're going to reclaim your independence.

Why we're doing it: Because you're stronger than you know and you don't need no stinkin' crutch. :)

May 9, 2014

#384: Mirror, Mirror (Friday, May 9)

"The worst lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves." - Richard Bach

A mirror always returns a clear, accurate image of whatever is put in front of it. There are no additions, no embellishments, just the image unchanged. If you were to hold up a mirror to your life, what would you see? Is it the same image that appears on social media, at work, to your family and friends? Or does your life change depending on who is looking in the mirror?

What about you? What do you see?

This week's action: Hold a mirror up to your life. Take a look at what YOU see - not what is fed to the world - just what you see when you're looking critically.

Why we're doing it: We must always try to be honest with ourselves.

May 2, 2014

#383: Right Now (Friday, May 2)

Right now someone is having a baby; drawing their last breath; tying the not; breaking up; falling in love; lonely.
Right now someone is going through your social media profile wishing they had your life.
Right now someone is having the time of their life.
Right now someone is too tired to move.
Right now someone is waiting for something to happen.
Right now someone is reading this when they should be paying attention to what's happening around them right now.

This week's action: Pay attention to the moment you're in. Actively and consciously ask yourself: "Am I getting everything I possibly can out of this moment?"