Apr 24, 2009

#121: Capture the Sun (Friday, April 24)

The sun is a powerful resource in our efforts to go green; it can help you lower electricity, heating and cooling bills...and it's a great source of Vitamin D! :) Whenever I go to Barbados, I'm always impressed by their ability to harness solar energy. For a small island, they are very progressive in that regard.

Here are some tips to capture the sun's power:

- In winter, leave shades open during the day to help heat your home.
- In the summer, close shades during the day to help keep your home cool.
- Install a skylight (or larger windows) in your home to let in more light. That way you can capitalize on daylight instead of turning on electric lights.
- When the weather is nice, do outdoor activities (cooking, reading, etc.) to maximize your use of the sun. You use more energy when you stay inside.

Capture the sun!

Apr 17, 2009

#120: Beauty (Friday, April 17)

One thing is certain: even in times of recession, women still need to feel beautiful. As a result, a woman will do whatever it takes to maintain her beauty regimen. We spend so much time making ourselves beautiful; imagine how powerful it would be if we expended half that energy on doing the same for our planet.

I'm not a big make up person perse, but recognizing that many of the women I know are, this may be a good time to share some eco-friendly make up suggestions.

Use products that have not been tested on animals. The Body Shop is known for its proactive stance against animal testing.

Buy products that donate to environmental causes or are otherwise eco-friendly. Check out The Body Shop's Community Trade, Protect Our Planet and Human Rights programs.

M·A·C Cosmetics also has a strong commitment to the environment by accepting returns of its primary packaging through the Back to M·A·C Program. Ladies (or men, we don't judge) who return six [6] M·A·C primary packaging containers to a M·A·C counter or M·A·C Cosmetics online, will receive a free M·A·C lipstick of their choice as a show of the company's appreciation.

Audit your beauty provider. Do you know how the products you use are made? What about the companies? Are they proactively supporting eco-friendly practices? If you don't know, make it your business to find out. And if they don't have a cosmetic recycling program, suggest that they start one.

You want to feel beautiful; let's keep the earth beautiful too.

Apr 10, 2009

119: Travel Light (Friday, April 10)

Greetings from Paris!

Today's entry is something that I'm guilty of myself: not traveling green enough. Sure I commute as green as I can (Walk to Work Day was a success by the way), but I also take several trips outside of the country each year by plane which diminishes my greenness in the States.

Thankfully I'm in a city that is quite eco-friendly so it helps to remind me of the things I could be doing to be greener. If you travel frequently, here are some tips you can implement to cut down onyour carbon footprint:

Try to fly direct. Each time you make a connection, it uses more energy since the plane has to use more energy and fuel to take off and land.

Fly coach. First/business class traveling uses more energy (they get more specialized services). The energy consumption per passenger is much more efficient.

Offset your travel. There are companies that you can donate money to who will use offset the carbon emissions of your travel by using the money to fund eco-friendly ventures.

Travel light. The more luggage you bring, the more energy it takes to get it there.

Bon voyage!

Apr 3, 2009

#119: National Volunteer Week (Friday, April 3)

Originally uploaded by Simplenigma
I read some sobering statistics today. According to Volunteering in America (http://www.volunteeringinamerica.gov/national.cfm), New York rank's LAST (yup, you read right) in volunteering in the 50 states and Washington D.C. (Utah was first, in case you were wondering.)

Well, the great news is we'll have an opportunity to jump rank. National Volunteer Week is April 19 - 25, and I want YOU, yes YOU reading this, to do something in your community.

No matter where you live, find a community service project that could benefit from your time and talents. If you're in New York City, it just so happens that New York Cares (www.nycares.org) is having Hands On New York Day on April 25. There will be GREEN community projects throughout the day in various boroughs.

If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll remember that we participated in Hands On New York Day a couple of years ago and had a blast. I'll be participating in Prospect Park this year.

So, navigate away from this page now. Go into Google, search for volunteer events in your city, and sign up for one of them happening during April 19 - 25.