Feb 28, 2014

#374: The 9/10ths Rule (Friday, February 28)

"There's a rule I call The 9/10ths Rule. It says that if 9 of your friends are broke, you will be the 10th." -Coach Felicia, Essence magazine

The 9/10ths Rule could apply to anything. If 9 of your friends have unhealthy lifestyles, you will be the 10th. If they're negative, unmotivated individuals who complain about how the world has treated them, you will be the 10th. It's important to choose your circle carefully.

This week's action: Join a professional organization, a club, or even a group on LinkedIn that meets one of the following criteria:

  • Aligns with one of your goals this year (e.g. If your goal is to run more, join a running club)  
  • Aligns with your current/future profession (e.g. I want to be an author, so I joined a literary group)
Why we're doing it: So the other 9 can be closer to your 10.

Psst...we're still actin' up! It's the end of the month, so it's time for another month-end action blitz. Plus it's Week 9 so make sure you're still on your savings plan.

Feb 21, 2014

#373: If Cabin Pressure Drops... (Friday, February 21)

When you are on a plane, they tell you if the cabin pressure drops, you should put your oxygen mask on first. So it is with life. Always take care of yourself first - it's the only way you'll be able to help others.

A few months ago, I wrote a post about saying no to some things to make room for others. Some may have thought about it, said, "That's a great idea." but didn't really go further. One of the key threats to your goals is being sidetracked or overwhelmed (which is really sidetracked's cousin).

This week's action: Create a "No List". It's a list of things you will say no to this year if they cross your path. Some of mine? Resume critiques, having important conversations via text message and last-minute marketing favors.

Why we're doing it: Chances are, if you look at the things you did this week a great percentage of them have nothing to do with your goals. Sure, they may have helped someone else further theirs, but unless that is your goal, then you should really be putting your mask on first.

Feb 14, 2014

#372: What Do You Want to Be Known For? (Friday, February 14)

Sometimes who we are today isn't necessarily what we want to be known for. The good news? You can change it. We're all marketers. Whether you're "selling" a product, a service, an opinion, or your brand, chances are you want to get people to buy into that thing.

This week's action: 

  • Step 1: Pick a few friends and family (people who are close to you) and some colleagues and associates (people who aren't so close to you). 
  • Randomly ask them this question: "What's the first adjective or phrase that pops into your mind - good or bad - when you think of me?" (It has to be random, because you want their honest, knee-jerk answer not the politically correct response.)
  • Be prepared for what you hear and don't get defensive or try to justify it. Consider it research to answer the question: What do you want to be known for?
  • Review the responses. Do they align with your answer? Are you getting a lot of similar responses? 
Why we're doing it: These responses tell you how much work you have to do to get to what you want to be known for. Perception is reality. If you want to be known for being the best baker and no one says so in their response, you have some work to do to change the perception. If the responses are aligned to your answer, you're already halfway there.

Having a great business card also helps.

Feb 7, 2014

#371: Take Small Bites, Chew Slowly (Friday, February 7)

A few years ago, I had a really bad case of indigestion. No matter what I ate, it would make my chest burn and I always felt like there was food lodged on my chest.
"You need to take smaller bites and chew slowly," the doctor said.

So it is with your goals. If you're like me, you tend to juggle multiple goals Small steps will get you there.

This week's action: Pick one of your goals. Put down three small steps you can take to this week that will help you achieve that goal.

Why we're doing it: It's easy to get overwhelmed and want to give up. Breaking up your goals into manageable tasks helps you stay on track. Focused intention is better than distracted dreaming.