Jun 28, 2013

#339: I Don't Like You (Friday, June 28)

This week's affirmation: I trust my gut, but I will give someone an opportunity to change my mind.

Have you ever met someone you don't like, but you can't quite say why except to chalk it up to 'a gut feeling'? In those situations, you may tempted to go with our gut, but if you don't know them well enough, how do you know if your gut is right? Get to know the person a little better; there are just two options. Either your gut feeling will be right; or you'll have the chance to build a great friendship.

Side note: I showed this quote to a few people and got an interesting interpretation - one person thought it meant "keep your enemies close" whereas I thought it meant give someone a chance. What's your take?

Jun 21, 2013

#338: Change is Around the Corner (Friday, June 21)

This week's affirmation: I embrace what is around the corner.

Change is inevitable. Sometimes you know it's coming; other times you bump right into it, as you're rushing off to life; and other times it passes you by, silently like a thief in the night.

However it comes, know that you cannot be fully prepared for it -- just embrace it as best you can.

Jun 14, 2013

#337: Light A Lamp (Friday, June 14)

This week's affirmation: "I will light a lamp for somebody."

We all have to find our way in life. Sometimes it's easy and you can see where you have to go; other times you're surrounded by darkness and you have no idea which way to turn. In those times, light a lamp for someone else -- it'll help brighten your path too!

Jun 7, 2013

#336: Everyone Else Is Already Taken (Friday, June 7)

This week's affirmation: I will be myself - my impatient, loving, loyal, punctual, easily annoyed self - because that is simply who I am.
Oscar Wilde

We live in a world of choice; every day most of can get up and choose what we will eat, wear, do - even how we'll be. And sometimes, people don't make wise choices. They choose to live a lie on the outside to make up for emptiness inside.

Who are you? Celebrate what makes you you, flaws and all. Everyone else is already taken.