Feb 24, 2017

#530: I Like Muhself (Friday, February 24)

"So ah eatin' bess, ah drinkin' bess,
Ah steppin out fresh fuh de Carnival..."
-Lil Rick, I Like Muhself (Cropover 2012)

There are many people walking around who are unhappy with who they are. Most of them are masters of disguise, so they're able to hide it very well - in sharp clothes, big bank accounts and all the trappings of a "great life."

But when I think about me and the person that I am, I truly love her. Honestly! Yes, sometimes I wish I had a fitter body, that my knees didn't ache when it rains, but overall there's no one else I'd rather be.

This week, I'm most grateful that I'm comfortable with who I am. :)

Feb 17, 2017

#529: It's All I Ever Wanted (Friday, February 17)

Sometimes not getting what you want can be a wonderful stroke of luck.
For most of us, our main objective in life is to get the things we want and accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. But sometimes things don't go as planned. You don't get that promotion, or the job, or the guy/girl, or something else that you want so badly.
But you know what? Failure teaches you how to appreciate success; being overlooked/rejected teaches you humility and makes you try harder; and not getting what you want can put you on the path to something amazing.
This week, I'm most grateful for not getting what I want. Can't imagine my life any other way. :)

Feb 10, 2017

#528: Says Who? (Friday, February 10)

Sometimes when I reflect on where I've been at certain points in my life, and where I am today, I can't help but be proud of myself.

This week, I'm most grateful for the ability to reflect on parts of my life, and to see progression. :)

Feb 3, 2017

#527: Ms. Understood (Friday, February 3)

I used to look at misunderstandings as a clear sign that the other person hadn't taken the time to get to know me. For they knew me, I reasoned, they would never think me capable of the actions that created our misunderstanding.

Recently, I've changed my mind. A misunderstanding can be a wonderful gateway into a conversation.

This week, I'm grateful for misunderstandings that spark conversations.