Nov 28, 2008

#101: Congratulations On Your Wealth! (Friday, November 28)

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life - Henry David Thoreau

Congratulations, you are wealthier than you could have ever imagined:

You have people who love you and have your best interests at heart.
You have a warm bed to sleep in.
You went to bed with a full stomach last night, and had your choice of meals today.
You have access to education, one of the best means to improve yourself.
You are healthy, and even if you have a few ailments, it is nothing life threatening.
You have more than one pair of shoes, and outfits for every occasion.
You didn't have to dodge bullets, bombs or missiles in the daily course of your life.
You are free to think creatively, passionately without fear of reprisal.
You can choose.
You can dream, and have the means to make those dreams come true.

You are wealthier than you ever imagined...

Nov 21, 2008

#100: Don't Worry About Things You Can't Control (Friday, November 21)

Some of my friends think I've lost my mind. I work for one of the largest financial companies in the world.

In the last couple of weeks, things have taken a drastic turn, and I'm faced with a possible job loss and seen a part of last year's bonus decline to almost nothing.

But I still go into work with a smile on my face. I still answer my phone as cheerful as ever. And even though I,ve packed up all of my personal belongings and am shuttlin them home bit by bit (Marketing is always the first to go) I encourage people to be positive. "I think she's lost it," I overheard one of my coworkers tell another after I'd left the pantry. "Some people just don't handle stress well."

I'm actually not stressed at all, because I'm not worried. Why worry about things that are beyond my control? The fate of my job is really in the hands of the people who own the company's stock, who use its services and are patrons of its bank. Basically, yawl. LOL.

So I continue to live my life. I still plan to have my birthday party, because years from now when things get better, I don't want to regret not celebrating my 30th birthday.

But something struck me today. I got a quote that said, "Sometimes not getting what you want may be the best gift you could have gotten." Had I gotten the promotion I wanted, I'd probably be placed in the difficult position of having to let people go or deciding who should go. A gift indeed.:)

For those of you worried about your jobs, it is wasted energy. You have people who love and care about you and you will not starve. Live your life and trust that things will work out in your favor.

Nov 14, 2008

#99: 15 Things You Should Know How To Do (Friday, November 14)

I used to love the show McGyver. No matter what situation he found himself in, he always had a trick to get out. McGyver most of us are not. LOL. But there are certain basic life skills that we all should know. Life is unpredictable; you never know when you'll need one of these...

1. Read a map/use a compass: To get where you’re going, you need to know where you are.

2. Swim: The earth is more than 70% water; there really is no excuse

3. Save a life: Do you know what to do if someone’s choking? Can’t breathe? Is losing a lot of blood? Basic first aid and CPR skills are essential

4. Operate a computer: You don’t need to be Bill Gates, but it’s a mandatory skill for our times.

5. Negotiate: Whether it’s your salary, a cheaper rate on your credit cards, or a lower price, there is nothing wrong with asking.

6. The laws where you live: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” Know your rights…it could save you a trip to jail.

7. Operate a car: This includes basic things like changing the tire, the oil and putting gas in it.

8. Give a speech: Most people are terrified of speaking in front of a large audience, but you never know when that skill may lead to a valuable opportunity.

9. Deliver bad news: It’s a morbid thought, I know…but someone has to do it, and it will probably be you at least once in your life.

10. Speak another language: This is gonna shock you, but only 25% of the world’s population speaks English. Why limit yourself by only interacting with English-speaking people all your life?

11. Listen: It’s sounds simple enough, but not many people know how to do it well.

12. Promote yourself: Most of the people I surround myself with are humble, and don’t like to brag. But if no one knows how great you are, how can they consider you for the next big opportunity?

13. Save: We live in an “immediate gratification” society. Alas, there are many people who, if they lost their jobs today, wouldn’t have enough to pay their bills for the next month.

14. Remember names: Don’t cop out and blame it on a bad memory; all it takes is a little effort and listening.

15. Cook: You don’t need to be Top Chef, but you should know at least the basics…like a soufflĂ©. LOL.

Nov 7, 2008

#98: Be You (Friday, November 7)

I am in some way eternal, I will never be duplicated. The singularity of every man and woman is Jah's gift. What we struggle to make of it is our sole gift to Jah. - Bob Marley

Sometimes I can be moody; I'm not good at returning phone calls, but if any of my friends need me, I'm there in heartbeat; sometimes I'm too objective and I'm usually trying to find the good in people; I get easily annoyed; and I hold the people I love to very high expectations. I have my faults, but those who love me also love those imperfections because that's what makes me...well, me.

At any given moment, there are millions of people in the world pretending to be someone (or something) they are not. Whether it's by omission or false representation, there are those who just don't think their authentic personalities are great enough to be their true reflection in the world, which is a very unfortunate thing. Whenever someone underestimates their worth or thinks they have to be other than what they are to be accepted and fit in, it makes me very sad.

There are over 1000 people with my name in the U.S. alone. Yet that doesn't affect my perception of who I am. The greatest gift you can give the world is to be you. Not what people think you should be, what they expect you to be, or what you think it's cool to be. You bring something to this earth that no other living thing (and there's trillions of them!) can. Celebrate your uniqueness by keeping it authentic and being true to who you are.