Nov 28, 2008

#101: Congratulations On Your Wealth! (Friday, November 28)

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life - Henry David Thoreau

Congratulations, you are wealthier than you could have ever imagined:

You have people who love you and have your best interests at heart.
You have a warm bed to sleep in.
You went to bed with a full stomach last night, and had your choice of meals today.
You have access to education, one of the best means to improve yourself.
You are healthy, and even if you have a few ailments, it is nothing life threatening.
You have more than one pair of shoes, and outfits for every occasion.
You didn't have to dodge bullets, bombs or missiles in the daily course of your life.
You are free to think creatively, passionately without fear of reprisal.
You can choose.
You can dream, and have the means to make those dreams come true.

You are wealthier than you ever imagined...

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