Mar 31, 2017

#535: Traveling (Friday, March 31)

you still want to travel to 
you could not take a camera with you.
- a question of appropriation

~nayyirah waheed 

This week, I'm most grateful for travel experiences. To be able to see and experience other cultures different from (and sometimes the same as!) my own is an opportunity I realize many people don't have. I'm so thankful for that.

Mar 24, 2017

#534: The Friendship Standard (Friday, March 24)

Friendships are a beautiful thing. And when they are based on mutual respect and reciprocity, it's even better.

This week, I'm most grateful for friends maintain the friendship standard. Friends who treat me how they want to be treated, who are kind/supportive, who don't compete, who are honest when they need to be and hold me accountable. :)

Here's to friendship.

Mar 17, 2017

#533: The Half-Empty Crew (Friday, March 17)

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
There are some people who can find the negative in almost any situation. This week I'm most grateful that my circle contains very few of the Half-Empty Crew. Here's to people who choose to see (and believe in) the possibilities.

Mar 10, 2017

#532: Curve (Friday, March 10)

1. n: the act of rejecting an individual's advances or expressions of interest
(via Urban Dictionary)

There have been a few times that I've been romantically (and professionally!) curved. It always worked for the best. This week I'm most grateful for last romantic curve. :)

Mar 3, 2017

#531: They May Not Be Perfect, But They're Mine (Friday, March 3)

I am not super close with most of my siblings. I've always been kind of a loner. However, when times are tough, we're able to put any differences aside and band together to get things done.

So this week, I'm most grateful for my siblings. Sometimes they annoy and frustrate me, and they're not perfect, but I got a good bunch. :)