Aug 29, 2008

#88: Self-Denial Isn't Good For The Soul (Friday, August 29)

Ever since I was 25, my dream was to go to Brazil for carnival before my 30th birthday. I don't know why it was Brazil -- I didn't have any Brazilian friends -- but I read an article about Salvador, and I was hooked. Since then, every year friends would ask what I wanted for my birthday. "Just be there with me in 2008 for carnival," I would respond.

I started sending out reminders in 2006. One of my dearest friends couldn't make it; she was moving to Trinidad. Others had family and work commitments, but a few confirmed. Then in April 2007, I finally started making plans: this was what I'd been waiting for. Alas it wasn't to be: the friends who had confirmed could no longer go. I was devastated. I tried to console myself with the thought that it wouldn't be the same without people I loved around me. It worked for about a month, then the longing came back.

I ignored it; I'd heard that Brazil wasn't safe for a single woman, so going alone wasn't an option. I made plans for trips to other countries and convinced myself that it wasn't meant to be. Then last week I was at work, and a thought popped into my head: "What if you don't make it to your 30th birthday?" Morbid, I know, but it made me realize that although I didn't make it there for carnival before my 30th birthday, I could still make it there. I got online and booked my flight within 10 minutes, with no place to stay, no itinerary, and without knowing a word of Portuguese.

So in a little over two weeks I leave for Brazil, and because I took the first step, I also have a friend coming along. I'm excited to be sharing one of my big dreams with her. All these years, I was planning for an event that I could have done back when I was 25. But thankfully I'm doing it now.

What have you been denying yourself that could potentially increase your enjoyment of life?

Aug 21, 2008

#87: Give It Up (Friday, August 22)

Someone once said, "In order to get anything, you have to give everything." It's so true. One of the best things you can do is to give away something that you no longer need. It really brings you a sense of well-being. This week, I found some sites (some of which you probably already know about) where you can give away (or swap) things you no longer need.

Check 'em out and start giving. Chances are you have a lot of stuff in your house or apartment that someone else could use.

Freecycle - Just type in your city to locate the freecycle group near you. I'm a proud member of the Brooklyn Freecycle, in case you were wondering.

Giving Away - Same concept as Freecycle

Swap Style - You can swap clothes, books, DVDs, jewelry, cell phones and other items with someone who has something that you need.

Start uploading and start'll enjoy it, I promise.

Aug 15, 2008

#86: Don't Let It Rain On Your Parade (Friday, August 15)

So as you all know, the Good Friday theme for this year is "Enjoy Life".

This past week, with the terrible weather we've been having, many people canceled plans and opted to stay indoors instead.

Today, a friend and I had made plans to go to dinner, but after reading the weather report, those plans became tentative. At 6:00 the skies which had been blue and sunny for most of the day had turned black, and there were mutterings of an impending tornado.

I decided that the summer was way too short to let the weather spoil my plans. "Don't let it rain on our parade," I told my friend. We agreed to press on.

The result: a fantastic Australian meal at Bondi Road, plans to return for Shark Attack Sundays, and some of the friendliest waitstaff we'd ever encountered in NYC. All in all, a spectacular evening.

The Moral: Oftentimes, we let inclement weather spoil our plans and cheat ourselves out of an amazing experience. It is, after all, only water, so don't let it rain on your parade.

The show must go on...

Aug 8, 2008

#85: Patient Man Ride Donkey (Friday, August 8)

In Jamaica, we have a saying, "Patient man ride donkey", which means that only a patient person can ride a donkey. They are stubborn animals who won't budge until they are good and ready, no matter how much you weep or plead.

Earlier this week, I saw first-hand what a little patience can do. A friend of mine had been dealing with a toxic situation for more than a year. Many people (including me) gave her advice on how she should handle it, but being the trusting person she is, she didn't take any of it. She just wanted to believe that in essence, people were good, and things would work themselves out. But they got worse, and I got pretty ticked off that she wasn't listening to anyone's advice and was just waiting for things to sort themselves out.

It took over a year, but the situation finally resolved itself. She was so happy that she "went to 5:30 mass, and lit two candles for St. Jude..." (St. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases, for the religiously-challenged.) LOL.

Granted, I don't think I could wait a year for something so oppressing to resolve itself, but she taught me a little lesson about being patient. And something I was reading just last night reinforced it even further:

"Patience gives us time to reflect, to actually enjoy our life without rushing around chasing our tails and accomplishing nothing but stress-related illnesses. With patience also comes a space for inspiration, that ah ha moment when we know what the next step is for us to move closer to our dreams. This can only be heard when we are still and quiet long enough to listen..."

It's a good thing I'd already absorbed the message last night. I had my mid-year review today and just found out that I will likely not get the promotion I've been working towards all year. LOL.

Aug 1, 2008

#84: Life Lessons (Friday, August 1)

Life is learning. It's by learning that we either advance or keep repeating the same mistakes. I learned quite a few things this week. Allow me to share them with you:

- I learned that even in death you can celebrate. I attended a wake earlier this week where they had an awards show. Many family and friends accepted awards on the deceased's behalf and celebrated her life. It was an occasion to behold.

- I learned that, ironically, Locks of Love doesn't accept locks. LOL.

- I learned that in a true friendship, no matter how much time has passed since you've last seen each other, it'll never be awkward.

- I learned that in NYC, you can't purchase a co-op apartment unless you're a US citizen. LMAO.

- And I learned that when people say "you're the best thing since sliced bread" they don't actually mean it because 1) Very few people really know when slice bread was "invented" and 2) because there are many things I know were recently invented that are WAY better than sliced bread. Here are just a few of them: tampons, strapless bras, laser eye surgery, mutual funds, depilatory creams, invisible deodorant, thongs, that eyelash curling thingumajiggy...well you get the idea.


This entry brought to you by the Enjoy Life Committee. We hope it made you smile today.

Carpe Diem before global warming gets us all!