Jan 29, 2010

#161: Coffee, Tea & Everything In Between (Friday, January 29)

I love tea. I can't think of anything better than a steaming hot cup of tea on a cold day. But I was raised on coffee. I didn't drink it (matter of fact I didn't have my first cup of coffee until I was in my 20's), but it sent me to school, kept a roof over my head, kept food in the house and clothes on my back.

So in the spirit of these beverages, this Friday's excellence idea is a combination of the two...

First, let me introduce you to bushbaby. Owned by my friend T (no pun intended), it's one of the sweetest little internet cafes in Bed Stuy. It was there long before many of the trendy little spots opened up in the neighborhood (and I suspect, it'll probably be there after as well). Bushbaby is a great place to go for a spot of tea or some coffee, or a plate of good food (Sunday brunch rocks!)...and if you remember, it was also the only place in the neighborhood that observed Earth Hour last year. I know, because it was where my friends and I gathered to celebrate. So if you're in the neighborhood (or know someone who lives close by) pop in for a cup of coffee or tea.

Second, I want to reintroduce my friend Paul Moses who has an EP on iTunes right now called Coffee & Tea. Some of you may have heard me rave about the EP when it first dropped last September, but I just rediscovered the songs on my iPod last night when I was trying to find some relaxing music for bed. Paul's voice is just as soothing as a cup of tea and I guarantee you it's worth the $4. My personal favorites are The Feel & Taking the Day Off. Get it.

Remember, this is the year of excellence...what are you doing to be excellent?

Jan 22, 2010

#160: The Timekeeper (Friday, January 22)

One never really realizes the value of time until one is out of it...

I met Steve Richardson one day at the YMCA. He had just moved here from Maryland, and was interested in meeting people in the area and expanding his business. He was a watchmaker -- the first African American one I'd ever met. And he owned his own watchmaking business, Nkiru American Watches. I was impressed.

Over the years, we remained friends, often running into each other randomly on the subway or (during the summer) riding his bike in the neighborhood. He's a great, friendly guy who is forging new paths in a field with not many (if any at all) African-Americans. That's why I was so thrilled when I saw his profile on NY1 as the New Yorker of the Week! He teaches a class at our neighborhood Y on horology (the study of time), which is fantastic for kids to have another career path to follow in the future. I'm very thrilled to know that he's also giving back to the community.

If you want to learn more about Steve or purchase his watches, visit: NkiruWatches.com

Jan 15, 2010

#159: Hope (Friday, January 15)

This week, Haiti suffered one of the most devastating natural disasters in the island's history. I'm sure everyone has heard of the massive loss of life, and most of us know at least one person whose family and friends are still unaccounted for.

It's difficult to watch the news reports and not feel completely helpless. But there is something you can do. You can donate money to reputable organizations that are on the ground in Haiti, helping with search and rescue and feeding survivors.

One such organization is Yele Haiti. I personally chose this organization for my donation because it is operated by Wyclef Jean, and he has always been an ambassador for his people. I've seen him personally working in Haiti delivering food to the needy and I feel a bit more confident that the funds will be used to help those in need. Plus with Yele, 100% of the funds donated will go directly to the relief effort (as opposed to some organizations that use a percentage of your donation for administrative expenses). You can donate in a couple ways:
Keep the Haitian people in your prayers and thoughts.

Jan 8, 2010

#158: October Blossom (Friday, January 8)

A few years ago, I walked into a Pilates class at the Y and was greeted by a pleasant face, great smile and an amazing body. My first thought was, "She's definitely not from around here." LOL. My second thought was, "I want a body like hers."

That was my introduction to Cicely Carew. Over the course of the next year, I came close...darn close to getting the amazing body. I was seriously in the best shape of my life. My body was lean, I had great posture and I felt great after taking her class.

Unfortunately, we didn't really form a friendship until shortly before Cicely decided to move back to the West Coast. And it was only after she moved, I learned that her true passion and talent was art (even though I think she's the best Pilates instructor I've ever had).

So, without further ado, check out Cicely Carew the artist at www.cicelycarew.com and commission some artwork if you like what you see (October Bloom and 1am are two of my favorites), then when you're done, mosey over to http://www.groundedpowerhouse.info/ to see how she can get your body amazingly fit. If you live in LA you can catch her yoga and pilates classes at Crunch, KOR, the Pilates Lounge and Mind 2 Body Studio.

Here's to being excellent!

Jan 1, 2010

#157: Be Excellent! (Friday, January 1)

"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence." ~Ricky Bobby

We all have talents, but sometimes we could use a little inspiration and motivation to bring those talents to the forefront. What better way to be inspired than to read about and meet people who are doing positive things? As we enter a new year, my charge to you is to be excellent. Even if you don't make new year's resolutions, just make a promise to yourself that no matter what the task, you'll commit to giving it your best effort.

How does one be excellent?
  • Surround yourself with excellent people who are positive, motivated and who will keep you on track.
  • Set goals and develop an actionable strategy to help you meet them. Share your goals with others; you never know who might have access to the resources you need to help you accomplish them.
  • Ask for help. Every great person got to where they are because of the help and support of others.

Best wishes for a new year filled with promise and excellent adventures. Welcome to 2010!