Jan 15, 2010

#159: Hope (Friday, January 15)

This week, Haiti suffered one of the most devastating natural disasters in the island's history. I'm sure everyone has heard of the massive loss of life, and most of us know at least one person whose family and friends are still unaccounted for.

It's difficult to watch the news reports and not feel completely helpless. But there is something you can do. You can donate money to reputable organizations that are on the ground in Haiti, helping with search and rescue and feeding survivors.

One such organization is Yele Haiti. I personally chose this organization for my donation because it is operated by Wyclef Jean, and he has always been an ambassador for his people. I've seen him personally working in Haiti delivering food to the needy and I feel a bit more confident that the funds will be used to help those in need. Plus with Yele, 100% of the funds donated will go directly to the relief effort (as opposed to some organizations that use a percentage of your donation for administrative expenses). You can donate in a couple ways:
Keep the Haitian people in your prayers and thoughts.

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