Aug 31, 2007

#35: Take Care of Your Parents (Friday, August 31)

We fight with them; they annoy us; they embarass us; they have the uncanny ability to make us feel lik we're 4 years old again, even after we've had kids of our own; and sometimes we even wish we had different ones. But despite it all, we love them: Our parents are the reason we're here.

Those of you who know me very well know that my mother and I are always fighting; hurtful things have been said, and we've even gone for long periods without speaking to each other. But I've come to just accept that she's the way she is and love her despite our obvious and continued differences.

Many of us have parents who are getting to the age where they're either retired or contemplating retirement. If you're like me, you worry about how you'll take care of them when they are too old to take care of themselves. Yes, your parents may be financially stable now and not need your help, but things happen that are out of our control.

The Idea: Develop a plan for taking care of your parents. Sit down with your siblings and talk about financial and elder care options for your parents, and create a plan. Your plan shouldn't just be about when they get older; also think about nice things you can do for your parents NOW when they are capable of enjoying it.

The Cost: Varies, but it shouldn't matter...they're your parents!

The Benefit: It speaks for itself.

Aug 24, 2007

#34: Be Nice to Someone Naughty (Friday, August 24)

The world is a big place, and inevitably you'll meet people whose personalities don't mesh well with yours. It happens. I have someone who falls into that category: a coworker at my new job. But even the people you don't get along with can help to make you a better person.

The Idea: Do something nice for someone you don't like/get along with. Whether it's giving the person a little token, taking them out for a meal, or even just offering them a genuine compliment, take the first step.

The Cost: The cost of whatever nice thing you decide to do.

The Benefit: You may discover that your initial personality conflicts were just misunderstandings. Or you may still not get along, but might have a clearer understanding of the individual's personality and be better able to manage your relationship with them. Either way, it takes a big person to try to repair a damaged relationship, and you'll be a better person for it. Remember, a little kindness goes a long way.

Aug 17, 2007

#33: Break A Bad Habit (Friday, August 17)

We all have bad habits and behaviors that we would like to get rid of; I know I do. I don't check my voicemail very often; I'm bad at returning calls; and I worry way too much.

When you think about it, bad habits are just unproductive routines that we've grown comfortable with - it shouldn't really be that hard to break them.

The Idea: Choose a bad habit that you'd like to get rid of, and actively work on changing it into a positive habit. For example, I could change my bad habit of not returning calls, into a good habit where I proactively and routinely call others before they even think of calling me. Try these other tips to help you get out of an unproductive routine:
  1. Pay attention to the habit. Why did it become a habit in the first place?
  2. Practice breaking habits by randomly changing up other routines in your life like your route to work, the activities you do before going to bed at night, the foods you eat, etc.
  3. Think of 2-3 small steps you can take to change a bad habit that can be slowly incorporated into other positive routines.

The Cost: $0

The Benefit: As you break a habit, you open yourself to new behavior, new experiences and new ways of looking at the world. New experience provides new knowledge.

Aug 10, 2007

#32: Ten Virtuous Actions (Friday, August 10)

"Do not treat others as they treat you; treat them as you would like to be treated."

So many of the problems in the world could be solved today if people put themselves in the shoes of others and treat others as they would like to be treated.

The Idea: Make the Dalai Lama's Ten Virtuous Actions an integral part of your life.

• Protect and save life - plant, animal and human.
• Give and do not take what is not given.
• Treat your partner respectfully (respect your marriage vows or practice fidelity).
• Speak honestly.
• Speak with the goal to bring harmony among beings.
• Speak gently.
• Refrain from gossip.
• Be happy for others’ accomplishments.
• Be loving toward all.
• Have a view that includes karma.

The Cost: Nothing, but the will to improve yourself.

The Benefit: You will be treated as how you treat others and will be able to live a more fulfilling life.

Aug 3, 2007

#31: A Positive Attitude Conquers All!

This week has been one of the most challenging weeks of 2007. Food poisoning, a pinched nerve in my back, 103-degree fever, dizzy spells and a few other unmentionables left me feeling defeated. And to top it all, this was the week I was to leave for my annual trip to Barbados. I had two choices: stay home and be miserable or change my attitude and try to have a good time with my friends, some of whom I haven't caught up with in months.

Needless to say, I'm writing this on the beach in Barbados. I'm still sick, but I'm determined to stay positive and fight it as much as possible. Don't let your attitude stop you from enjoying life's wonderful experiences.

Signing off from the beach...Stay positive!