Aug 17, 2007

#33: Break A Bad Habit (Friday, August 17)

We all have bad habits and behaviors that we would like to get rid of; I know I do. I don't check my voicemail very often; I'm bad at returning calls; and I worry way too much.

When you think about it, bad habits are just unproductive routines that we've grown comfortable with - it shouldn't really be that hard to break them.

The Idea: Choose a bad habit that you'd like to get rid of, and actively work on changing it into a positive habit. For example, I could change my bad habit of not returning calls, into a good habit where I proactively and routinely call others before they even think of calling me. Try these other tips to help you get out of an unproductive routine:
  1. Pay attention to the habit. Why did it become a habit in the first place?
  2. Practice breaking habits by randomly changing up other routines in your life like your route to work, the activities you do before going to bed at night, the foods you eat, etc.
  3. Think of 2-3 small steps you can take to change a bad habit that can be slowly incorporated into other positive routines.

The Cost: $0

The Benefit: As you break a habit, you open yourself to new behavior, new experiences and new ways of looking at the world. New experience provides new knowledge.

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