Jan 25, 2008

#56: Celebrate A Small Step (Friday, January 25)

Y'know that saying, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"? Well, you may not be making giant leaps for mankind, but you are where you are today because of a number of small steps along the way. Your road to financial success can start the small step of paying off one bill or saving $20 more per week. A lot of times we forget about the small steps along the way to our goals.

The Idea: Enjoy life by celebrating the small steps along the way to a major goal. Whether it's treating yourself to dinner, buying a small token for yourself, or just taking some time off, it's important to recognize even minor accomplishments.

The Cost: The cost of however you decide to celebrate.

The Benefit: You'll be able to see how far you've come, and it will motivate you to continue to take more small steps.

Testimonial: I'm celebrating the completion of two small steps this week. One is a 99.385% pass rate on my FDNY written test, and the other, I'm keeping quiet for now but I'm still celebrating it. ;)

Jan 17, 2008

#55: Working Out The Kinks (Friday, January 18)

Part of enjoying life is about taking some time to treat yourself. You work hard, so you should always choose at least one way to reward yourself each paycheck. It doesn't have to be an extravagance, just something that says, "You've done a good job!"

The Idea: Get a monthly massage.

The Cost: Varies, depending on your location, but if you're a regular customer, many places offer discounts.

The Benefit: Massages are a great way to relieve stress, remove toxins from the body and can leave you rejuvenated.

Testimonial: I have a little spot that I go to every month for my massage. It's not one of those trendy places, but it's clean, quiet and the only place in NYC I can get an hour massage for less than $50, with tip included. My monthly massage definitely increases my enjoyment of life.

Jan 11, 2008

#54: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (Friday, January 11)

I've been to some beautiful places and had some great times, many of which are thankfully captured on film. Sometimes, just going back and looking at the pictures gives me so much joy, it's almost like I'm reliving the experience.

The Idea: Take pictures of every new experience and every person you meet.

The Cost: The cost of your digicam and a good memory card.

The Benefit: Lifelong memories, and the opportunity to relive and enjoy some of your life's best moments.

Testimonial: I know this idea sounds strange, especially from someone who is normally so averse to having her picture taken, but I'm trying to enjoy life. I've decided to embark on a project called a Picture A Day, in which I photograph myself and/or surroundings. At the end of the year, I hope to have a daily picture journal. (This was actually one of my goals last year, but I won't tell if you won't.)

Jan 4, 2008

#53: New Year, New Opportunities (Friday, January 4)

I love the beginning of a new year. No matter what happens on December 31, January 1 is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Last year, the theme for Good Fridays was impacting the lives of others through little deeds. This year, I was at a loss for a theme, and then it hit me. I was talking to a friend in December who said he didn't think I was really enjoying my life (I am, I assure you). However, since this is the year I turn 30 and I'd planned to live it up in the year leading up to my birthday, I thought that would be a great theme. So the theme for Good Fridays in 2008 is "Enjoy Life".

We all have responsibilities and demands on us, and of course our lives will not always be perfect, but we should still make time to enjoy our lives as we have them. What will you do to ensure that 2008 is a great year for you?