Jun 27, 2008

#78: Just Accept It (Friday, June 27)

Ok, I'm back. Last week wasn't such a great week, but it's over and I've moved on. One of the reasons last week was so bad (and one of the things that sometimes prevents me from enjoying life the way I should) is that I'm really hard on myself. I hold myself to an invisible standard, and if I fall short, I spend more time beating myself up than appreciating the experience.

The Idea: Accept yourself without judgement. Your flaws, successes, failures, joys and sorrows are what makes you who you are. And believe it or not, even with your imperfections, everything is as it should be. I'm in my 29th year and it's a lesson I'm still learning.

The Cost: A little soul searching.

The Benefit: Your ability to enjoy life begins with you. Until you can fully accept your idiosyncrasies and "isms" the enjoyment you can get out of life is compromised.

Testimonial: A recent shoulder injury has curtailed my training for the FDNY. It was something I really, really wanted to do, and although I was feeling a little discouraged before the injury. I was still devastated that something outside of my control had taken away my opportunity. Instead of celebrating the fact that I was the only woman in my training and had kept up with the boys for a month, I focused on the things that I hadn't accomplished. Now I'm accepting that I gave it all I had and I tried my best. :)

Jun 20, 2008

#77: Take A Moment (Friday, June 20)

This was a bad week (yes, believe it or not, I have them). It seemed like unfortunate things came from every angle. In comparison to what other people are going through, it could have been worse -- much worse, I suppose -- but by this morning, I felt defeated. Family life, professional life, personal life all collided with one big thud and seemed to be conspiring to shut me down. I decided that I needed a moment...

The Idea: Take a moment to reflect and regroup. Whether it's a weekend trip, or just a few hours of solitude, just take some time to yourself.

The Cost: Is there any cost too great to pay for peace of mind?

The Benefit: A return to sanity and the chance to get back on track.

I made a promise to myself a couple years ago to try and find at least one positive part of every situation, so this time is no different. I can't leave this post without ending on an upbeat note. The week was not all bad: I made it to Yankee Stadium before they tore it down and saw my first live baseball game. :)

Jun 13, 2008

#76: Make History (Friday, June 13)

Today, I made history. I helped make a closet in the largest Habitat for Humanity Build (to date) in the world. It may not seem like much, but 50 years from now, I can (hopefully) go to that building and tell my grandkids that I helped make a closet for a well-deserving family. Life doesn't get any better than that.

The Idea: Make history. Leave your mark on the world. Do something that (no matter how insignificant you may think it is) will leave the world a better place than you found it.

The Cost: Your time, a few dollars, or just your good energy. :)

The Benefit: I don't know how it'll make you feel, but I feel AMAZING. I feel inspired, and I cannot wait to drive by that little street when it's home to 41 families. What a wonderful feeling.

Jun 6, 2008

#75: The Backyard Tourist (Friday, June 6)

For the past two years, a couple friends and I have been planning to road trip to Rhode Island for seafood (don't laugh, RI has some of the freshest seafood ever...well so I've heard). We've been planning and planning, but something always comes up and we never make it. I started thinking that if I died today, it would be one of the things I was "gonna do" but didn't. I also thought about the other places I've wanted to visit that are much, much closer.

The Idea: Be a tourist...in your own backyard. No matter where you live, there are neighboring states, counties, parishes or provinces that you've never visited. Why not now?

The Cost: Depends on where you live, and where you want to go.

The Benefit: You'll visit a new place, learn something new...and maybe meet some interesting people.

Testimonial: Whenever I need a quick getaway, Philly is my default. I've taken several day trips there, and each time I see something different, or wandered down a street I've never noticed before. It's a great walking city...as a matter of fact, I'll be there this weekend for their African festival for the second year in a row. :)