Aug 15, 2014

#398: Small Change (Friday, August 8)

“An angle of only one degree is difficult to draw on a piece of paper. It is too small. If a flight from New York to Los Angeles is off course by just one degree, the plane will arrive closer to Tijuana, Mexico, than Los Angeles.” -Small Change by Susan & Larry Terkel

You run into someone you haven't seen in a few months and they've gained/lost a lot of weight since you last saw them. A couple that you've always admired, whose union seemed so solid, announces they're getting a divorce. Someone experiences a setback and then completely transforms their life in a few months.

These aren't random events; they're a series of small changes that happen over time until they add up.

This week's action: Decide on ONE SMALL change you will make in your life. It could be something as simple as smiling more; replacing a beverage at one meal with a glass of water; or spending 10 minutes every day focused on some area of your life. You decide, but do it every day and make it a habit.

Why we're doing it: Small changes add  up. They're easier to make than huge, sweeping makeovers and are more consistent with human nature.

And speaking of small changes, you should now have $561 in your envelopes. If you haven't done it in a while, you can still catch up.

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