Jan 25, 2013

#317: Hey Future! (Friday, January 25)

This week's affirmation: "I do things and act in ways that will make my future self proud."

Ever heard the term, "Hindsight is 20/20?" It often is. Things that seem so confusing when you're going through them are always crystal clear when you've had a chance to reflect on them.

But what if you could see into the future and see the outcomes of your decisions in real time as you're making them? Would that change your course of action? For some people it would, others would stay the course. It depends on what's driving your decision.

I try to make my decisions based on my core principles, the values and beliefs I hold dear. That way, if it doesn't turn out the way I want it to, at least I'll still be able to live with my choice.

You might not be able to see into the future, but doesn't it feel good knowing that whatever the outcome, it's something that you're proud of?

Jan 18, 2013

#316: Engaged Detachment (Friday, January 18)

This week's affirmation: I allow myself and those around me the freedom to be themselves, without imposing rigid ideas of right and wrong.

At this very minute, you're holding on to and concerning yourself with things that have no business being in your focus. And at what cost to your own welfare and sanity? I know people who will work themselves into a frenzy worrying over something that has nothing to do with them and is out of their control. Yes, I've done it too--many times. I once stayed up til 2am writing a last-minute resume for someone who was sound asleep while I agonized over layout, grammar and work experience. LOL.

It is ok to care and be empathetic, but don't lose yourself in someone else's situation. Remember that we each react differently, and our reactions are simply based on our experience. Be compassionate and try not to judge too harshly. Wouldn't you want the same?

Jan 11, 2013

#315: Leave the Door Open (Friday, January 11)

This week's affirmation: "I choose love joy and freedom, I will open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life."

Good things can happen to and for you. But you have to be open and ready to receive the. Sometimes we block our blessings because we're so mired down in negativity and self-doubt. Our blessing door is closed.

What if for one day you greeted everyone you met with a smile or said hello? 

This week, I challenge you to leave the door open and see what new blessings enter.

Jan 4, 2013

#314: Positive Vibrations (Friday, January 4)

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential." -Unknown
I love this quote. Every new year, we examine our lives and look for things to fix, to improve: I need to lose weight, I need to find a partner, I need to make more money. Yes, it's wonderful to have goals and to aspire to greater things, but many new years resolutions are made with the assumption that something is broken or needs adjustment. Maybe it's just a slight tweak in perception, a moment to realize that who you are today is enough. Instead of lamenting the crack in the ceiling, see it as the perfect place to build a spotlight.
As I head into a milestone birthday, I thought it would be great to get back to the basics of why Good Friday was originally started and spread 52 weeks of positive vibrations. I'm excited about this theme--it'll help me release my inner flower child. :)
"You just can't live in that negative way...Make way for the positive day!"
-Bob Marley, Positive Vibration