May 31, 2013

#335: Mind Full or Mindful? (Friday, May 31)

This week's affirmation: Distractions clutter the mind; I keep my mind clutter free so I can actively participate in what's happening around me.

Sometimes we're so caught up in our own personal "stuff" we can't focus and appreciate what's happening around us. Are you mindful, or is your mind full?

May 24, 2013

#334: Cloudy Days (Friday, May 24)

This week's affirmation: I'm stepping out on faith.

Even when the days are cloudy and our view is obscured, have faith and step out. The road will rise up to meet you.

May 17, 2013

#333: These Things (Friday, May 17)

This week's affirmation: This moment, right now, is everything.

Have you ever been caught in a moment? A moment of unspeakable joy when you just aren't sure what you've done to deserve it? For some, those times are few and far between but when it hits you, boy is it priceless.

May 10, 2013

#332: Quicksand (Friday, May 10)

This week's affirmation: Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I will stop, take a deep breath and think.

When you're in quicksand, the more you move the harder it gets to extricate yourself. But if you slow down, think strategically, make a plan and work patiently, you can ultimately propel yourself upward.

May 3, 2013

#331: Making Memories (Friday, May 3)

This week's affirmation: I am a good memory.

Have you ever sat and thought about your history with one specific person? What things do you remember? Are the memories mostly good, mostly bad or somewhere in between? I think that when you can recall a history with someone and the memories are mostly good, you have found a gem. Hold on to it.