May 29, 2015

#439: Listen (Friday, May 29)

Everyone has something important to say. Everyone just wants to be heard, to feel like they matter.

And sometimes, even silence speaks volumes.

All you have to do is listen.

May 22, 2015

#438: Now (Friday, May 22)

If you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in?

You can make plans.
You can set goals.
You can dream.

But celebrate now.
Do what you can now.
Savor what is happening now.

May 15, 2015

#437: Be Selfish (Friday, May 15)

"Care about others, but live for yourself."

Sometimes you may be tempted to fall on the sword, to do what you think is expected of you just to keep the peace or assuage the guilt or for some other reason that no one else is thinking about but you.

Fight the urge. Sometimes it pays to be selfish, to forget what is expected of you and focus on what you want. You'll live a happier, more stress-free life which will make those around you happier too.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but being selfish can mean being awesome.

May 8, 2015

#436: Tap Into Your 22 (Friday, May 8)

All this week on LinkedIn, Influencers have been reminiscing and giving advice about what they wish they'd have known when they were 22.

"I waitressed before discovering my path at age 30. Give yourself time to figure things out." -Suze Orman

"On Day 1 of my surgical rotation, I fainted at seeing blood." -Deepak Chopra

"When I was 22, I worked as a security guard at IBM." -Maynard Webb

The stories were different, but the common thread was the freedom - that feeling fearlessness, of being indestructible and having unlimited opportunities and chances to try.

Tap into your 22 on your next project, or when you feel uninspired or insecure. Just remember how you felt that day of your college graduation - powerful and invincible.

May 1, 2015

#435: Tread Lightly (Friday, May 1)

Pick your battles. 
Don't sweat the small stuff. 
Some things that appear to be unforgivable offenses are but mere trifles when examined under a different light. 
When you look back that the disagreements and misunderstandings of your life, will you be proud of how you reacted.
Every moment is a defining one, so tread lightly.
