Dec 25, 2015

#469: Make Things Uncomfortable (Friday, December 25)

It's tough to leave comfort; it's poisonous to stay there.

It's the last Good Friday of 2015. All year we've been awesome to others...

But what about you?

How can you be awesome to yourself on an ongoing basis? Make yourself uncomfortable. Whenever things get easy or you feel like you're coasting along, think of ways to stretch yourself - to take things outside of your comfort zone.

Learn something new. Stop avoiding difficult situations. Do something you've always wanted to do.

"Discomfort is growth."

Dec 18, 2015

#468: Don't Be An A$$hole (Friday, December 18)

One of the best ways to be awesome to someone else is by not being a jerk. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

Surprisingly it's not. Many people speak without thinking, say mean things, spread gossip, aren't considerate of other people's feelings...the list is endless.

So how do you avoid being a jerk? Just put yourself (or a loved one) in someone else's shoes. Ask yourself, "Would I like someone to treat me or my loved one this way?" If the answer's no, then act accordingly.

Dec 11, 2015

#467: Run Your Own Race (Friday, December 11)

At this time of year, there's usually a lot of pressure to tidy things up and start the upcoming year with a clean slate. But life rarely works like that; you can't just wrap things up in a nice little bow on December 31.

This season, be awesome to yourself. Create your own timeline.

Dec 4, 2015

#466: Own Your S#*t! (Friday, December 4)

Few things are as frustrating as someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. Without accountability, there is no room to move forward. There is no closure. There is just limbo and bad feelings.

Be awesome to someone and acknowledge your part in a disagreement or a misunderstanding. Not only is introspection good for the soul, but it allows you and the other party to progress in a meaningful way.