Aug 26, 2016

Aug 19, 2016

#503: This Is Me (Friday, August 19)

Don't be afraid to stand up and say to the world: "This is me!"

Aug 12, 2016

#502: Fear Makes You Lose Focus (Friday, August 12)

We've all seen the meme with Michael Phelps and his competitor. He was so fearful of losing that he lost focus on his race and became a self-fulfilling prophesy. There were many captions to that photo:
  • Stay in your lane
  • Winners focus on winning; losers focus on winners
But I think the moral is clear: when you focus on fear, there's no room to focus on anything else. Don't let fear sidetrack your focus; keep your eyes on the prize.

Aug 5, 2016

#501: Just Ask (Friday, August 5)

Afraid to ask for help or favors? Remember these three things:

1. What is already destined to be yours will be yours.
2. The fear of being perceived as silly/needy/any other adjective, for the most part, is self-inflicted. Most people in your circle are happy to help. Heck, most people outside of your circle are happy to help too, if you are specific about what you need. And if they're not...
3. The worst that could happen is that you ask and the answer is "no." And to my knowledge, no death certificate has ever been signed with the cause of death listed as "no" so life will go on.