Sep 30, 2016

#509: Judgment Day (Friday, September 30)

Judge not lest ye be judged.

No matter how much we hear that statement, it's still human nature to judge others. Some people have such a fear of being judged that they become secretive or selectively share.

If you're being elicited as a confidante, try to be open-minded; do not judge too harshly. Envision yourself in the same situation seeking advice. How would you want to be treated? Treat the person on the other end the same way.

Sep 23, 2016

#508: Talk to Someone (Friday, September 23)

Fears are easier to manage when shared. Talk to someone - a friend or a professional - about the fears that cripple you and prevent you from being your best self.

Sep 16, 2016

#507: You May Come This Way Just Once (Friday, September 16)

When you travel you will often be faced with new experiences. Some of them you'll meet with great gusto, others will be intimidating. But if you for one moment consider passing on the experiences that make you uncomfortable, think about this: you may only pass this way once. So take full advantage of it, even the scary parts.

Sep 9, 2016

#506: "I Used to Fear You" (Friday, September 9)

"I used to fear you when I was a little kid. But I think that's part of the reason I turned out so well. When I was younger, some of my friends were friends with their parents. We weren't friends - and I don't mean that in a bad way - but there was always a line I was afraid to cross with you and daddy. And that fear kept me in check...and now we are friends and I appreciate it more."

I overheard the conversation above that a late teen was having with her mom on the train the other day. It made me smile; sometimes the best things can be born out of fear.

Remember that.

Sep 2, 2016

#505: Fear, Realized (Friday, September 2)

"There is no such thing as happiness, only happy moments." - A Friend

Someone shared this quote with me this week. And I suppose it can also apply to other emotions such and fear. Nothing is constant; so even when you have to confront your fears, it will always be, momentary.

Remember that and be brave.