May 26, 2017

#543: Two Wolves (Friday, May 26)

This week, I'm most thankful that only one of my wolves is thriving, and the other is being given enough only to sustain him for times of need. (Because sometimes you need a little arrogance, superiority and ego to let people know your value.)

May 19, 2017

#542: Fortune Favors the Bold (Friday, May 19)

There is nothing more frightening than a dream come true. When you are bold enough to take the first step toward your dreams, the Universe will support and reward you.

This week, I'm most thankful that I'm learning to recognize my self-saboteurish ways, and trying not to let them get in the way of my dreams.

May 12, 2017

Good Friday #541: No More Elephants! (Friday, May 12)

Here's to the gal who hated any type of confrontations; who'd let things slide and allow people to get away with things they shouldn't - all because she didn't want drama.

Here's to the gal who finally stood up and spoke her piece, and her voice was heard.

This week, I'm most grateful that I dodged a situation that could have ended badly. But I'm also extremely grateful that that experience inspired me to not take my life for granted and to speak up when I have something on my chest.

The elephant in the room doesn't have to be there.

May 5, 2017

#540: Where Are My Keys? (Friday, May 5)

Have you ever gone crazy looking for your keys, then realized that they were in your pocket the whole time? 
You see, we go crazy at times looking for the keys to success when we had them in our possession the whole time.
The keys to success are in your possession - just reach into your pocket. 
-DJ Showtime

Whether it's success, strength, perseverance or some other goal, some people don't know that they already have the keys. So they look for it in places that it'll never be, or totally give up and decide that their keys are lost for good. 

While I haven't yet found my keys, this week I'm grateful that I have enough self-confidence to know that they're somewhere in my possession. Because knowing where to look is half the battle.