Jul 28, 2017

Good Friday #552: Dye Mon, Gen Mon (Friday, July 28)

"Dye mon, gen mon." -Haitian proverb
Beyond the mountains, more mountains.

I misunderstood this proverb when I first heard it. I made up my own interpretation, which is the exact opposite of what the proverb actually means. 

But it works for me. So this week, I'm most thankful for perspective and interpretation. :)

Jul 21, 2017

Good Friday #551: Squad Goals

I am blessed to have a circle of friends who are absolutely phenomenal. I cannot imagine my life without them and they mean the world to me.

This week (and every week) I'm grateful that God has blessed me with such amazing, supportive friendships. Not everyone is that lucky.

Jul 14, 2017

Good Friday #550: 4:44 (Friday, July 14)

It's hard to find people you can truly trust. People who you can reveal your fears, sadnesses and disappointments to, and they will love you the same. They won't judge you, and you can be as honest as you want.

This week: I'm most thankful that I know a few of those people. People I can call in a bind and they'll drop everything to listen.

Jul 7, 2017

Good Friday #549: Paying Your Dues (Friday, July 7)

What if...everything you're going through right now is preparing you for a dream bigger than you can imagine?

This week I'm most thankful for the patience to bide my time, count my blessings and wait my turn.