Jan 12, 2007

Appreciate The Little Things (Friday, January 12)

The Idea:

We spend so much time worrying about money, our jobs, and taking care of our family and friends that sometimes we forget to enjoy - I mean, really enjoy - the little things. Here's something that I've done to help me remember those little things:

Starting tomorrow morning, and for the next week, twice a day (once in the morning after you wake up, and once in the evening before you go to sleep), do the following:

  1. Write down something that makes you happy which does not include money, work, or your loved ones.
  2. At the end of the week, make a list of all those things, and post it somewhere where you'll see it all the time. Refer to that list often and remember to appreciate and savor those things.
  3. You can also share your list with your loved ones and encourage them to make a list of their own.
You can see a copy of my list here. As you can see, I still have 20 more things to go. It's harder than I thought!!

The Cost: 10 minutes each day for the next 7 days, a piece of paper and a pen.

The Benefit: Finding happiness in even the littlest things makes you happier overall. The happier you are, the more you'll want to share your happiness with others. Happiness is contagious.

Tell me what you think of this idea...

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