Apr 13, 2007

#15: Roll Up Your Sleeves (Friday, April 13)

Sometimes it's not about a nice gesture, or a smile, or an anonymous good deed (although those things all go a looooooong way). Sometimes what's required to make an impact is to roll up your sleeves and physically do something.

One of my goals this year was to improve my volunteerism and dedicate 52 hours this year to volunteering. As one of these initiatives, I've organized a team to participate in NY Cares' Annual Hands On New York Day. Next Saturday, my friends and I will be working at the East New York Farms' Community Garden which supports the East New York Farmer's Market. Not only does this provide a vital service to this community, the garden itself is actually tended and run by teens!

The Idea: Volunteer for a clean-up initiative, or some project where you actively participate in revitalizing your community (as opposed to writing a check, or just paying taxes).

The Cost: a few hours of your time

The Benefit: You'll make a difference to everyone who comes in contact with that space, and will actually be able to see the difference you have made.

(P.S. If you want to register to participate on my team, today is the last day to do so. Go to the NY Cares website, select "Join an existing team" search for the Guerilla Good team and sign up. All are welcome!)

The pictures from this event are now available for viewing.

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