Jul 20, 2007

#29: A Little Reminder (Friday, July 20)

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did; but they will never forget how you made them feel."

I was catching up with my mentor last night. Work demands, family life and travel had resulted in us not speaking for a few weeks, so last night we spent a half hour just touching base. I've been having "adjustment issues" at the new job, and she said something that really inspired me, and put things into perspective.

"The cards you've sent me over the years are what keep me going at this job," she said. That was it. All this time, I thought she'd thrown them out, but she'd kept them - every note of thanks, praise and love I'd sent her...and she was using them to help her get through a difficult time. Without knowing it, she'd helped to lift my spirits.

The Idea: Think of something someone has done/said a long time ago that has helped to get you through some difficult times. Remind that person of their deed and let them know how it is impacting your life today.

The Cost: Nada

The Benefit: Brighten someone's day; you never know how much they'll need that reminder.

1 comment:

QueenBea said...

*sniff sniff* teary-eyed