This week was a Comedy of Errors. I recovered from a recent visit to the ER, only to be struck with flu-like symptoms, that ended up being a viral infection which I ironically caught from the emergency room. LOL. The bronchial infection could not have come at worse time, as 4 weeks ago, I'd signed up to participate in a company wide race with many of the super senior executives at my company. I decided to drop out of the race; but 3 people on my team dropped out before me, so there were no other replacements left to sub for me.
Not one to disappoint my team, I decided to compete anyway, even though my respiratory system wasn't the best. When we got to the track, it was a real track...not the tiny one like I'd practiced on at the Y. And we had to run around it 5 times. Our race was scheduled to start at 9:30, but since our company wanted only our teams to run together, we were pushed to last - i.e. running at 10:30 p.m. But our anchor man was positive and kept us motivated - until he pulled a muscle warming up and wasn't able to stand, let alone be the anchor for the team. We found a sub, completed the race at 11:15 (my team came in second), at which point I decided that instead of taking the company bus back to the office, I'd just jump on the subway.
I was bent on taking the subway; but super senior management insisted I get on the bus, as it would be faster. Ten minutes later on the West Side Highway, a tire blew out, splints are flying, the bus is full of smoke, and we're in the middle lane. The bus inched its way to the nearest exit, we got off and hailed a cab. My injured anchorman offered to drive me home, once he collected his things from the office. I decided it would be a good time to get my iced chocolate coffee from the refrigerator to rejuvenate me, seeing as how it was 12:30 in the morning. They had cleaned the refrigerator and tossed out my iced coffee AND my water bottle which it was in.
Needless to say, I'm writing this at 1:45 a.m. because now that I'm home, I'm wheezing and my chest is on fire, so I can't sleep. And to top it off, I can't call out tomorrow, because my back up is on vacation. LOL.
The Idea: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You can choose to enjoy your life, even with the curve balls or you can choose to be miserable.
The Benefit: Why should you let a little setback thwart your enjoyment of life?
The Cost: Lemons are 5 for $1, but for you it's free. :)
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