Mar 28, 2008

#65: Dance Like There's No Tomorrow (Friday, March 28)

(Pictures from Soul Summit - one of my favorite dance events EVER - at the Brooklyn Academy of Music)

I love to dance. I'm not very good at it (think Elaine from Seinfeld), but I do it anyway. LOL. Since I'm not a fan of cardio at the gym, the best workout is for me to go dancing until day break. There is nothing like death to make you appreciate your life, so I've been really trying to stick to my mantra of doing things I enjoy.

The Idea: Grab a friend and go out and dance like there's no tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you're offbeat, or what kind of music it is (although I'd personally stay away from polka) just enjoy the music!

The Cost: Maximum $20 to get into a club, but this is perfectly doable for free (in your house) or much less.

The Benefit: I truly believe dancing is one of the best ways to enjoy life.

I practice what I preach; I signed up for a ballet class at the Broadway Dance Center. Yay!

Mar 21, 2008

#64: Find Your Muse (Friday, March 21)

(Untitled, From the Tuskegee Airmen Series by Michael Richards)

Yay! It's actually Good Friday! Happy Good Friday to all. I have a confession which is going to sound really geeky, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE museums. Whenever I feel the need to be inspired, I'll just visit a museum or a gallery, and voila, I'm restored and renewed. This works out really great for me; especially since I work 2 blocks away from a museum and my company ID lets me in to pretty much any museum in NYC for free!

The Idea: Find your muse at your local museum. Get lost in history, see some great art, watch a cool film - the possibilities are endless.

The Cost: It's usually about $10, but some specialty museums cost a little more. And if you work for a major corporation, you might be able to get in for free.

The Benefit: You'll feel inspired, and you'll leave a little smarter than you came.

Testimonial: I just went to the museum this week; instant mood booster!

Mar 14, 2008

#63: All You Need Is Love (Friday, March 14)

The set up was perfect: one of my favorite sports, free food and drink, courtside tickets and minimal conversation. How could I say no?

One of the perks of my job is that it sometimes gives me opportunities to do enjoyable things, and this Monday was a prime example. I got invited to an exhibition tennis match with Pete Sampras and Roger Federer - only two of the greatest male tennis players alive. While it didn't have the pizzazz of the Open finals, it was great to watch, and they kept us entertained until the very last serve (Federer won this as well).

The only bad part? It was the one day I forgot my camera. But I did manage to take some blurry pictures on my phone.

The Idea: Go see a professional game of your favorite sport. Whether it's basketball, football, the olympics, hockey, swimming, you owe it to yourself to splurge for the tickets.

The Cost: It could be expensive, but you only live once, so you can't let expenses deter you from living your life.

The Benefit: The feeling of being there at an event that will never happen the same way again is just great.

Next up: Football (i.e. what the rest of the world calls football) World Cup in South Africa. Whoo-hoo!!

Mar 6, 2008

#62: Sing Your Heart Out (Friday, March 7)

Ever wonder why the Japanese always look so young (and stylish)? It's probably because they have karaoke! LOL. Y'know the wonderful feeling you get belting out your favorite tune in the shower? Imagine if you could get that same feeling and hang out with your friends at the same time.

The Idea: Sing karaoke.

The Cost:
A few rounds of drinks and enough courage to showcase your voice in a room full of strangers.

The Benefit: It helps with shyness, singing does a body good, and if you're really good, you might get discovered.

Testimonial: I did karaoke a couple weeks ago with some of my friends. It was my first time, and although I was nervous, I was encouraged by the tone deaf guy who sang every song from U2 to Madonna in the same note. I was proud of my lusty rendition of Coldplay's Clocks.