May 30, 2008

#74: Revisit Your Childhood (Friday, May 30)

One of my life's goals is to get through The BBC Big Read (which unfortunately means I'm going to have to read the Lord of the Rings books *sigh*). I'm about half-way through, and have admittedly spent most of the time re-reading some of my favorite books from my childhood instead of new titles. It's been great to revisit my childhood through these books. I remember sitting on my veranda engrossed in To Kill A Mockingbird. Alice in Wonderland was my prize for getting 1st place in 1st grade...I even got so caught up in my childhood visit, that I went out and bought a tin of Royal Dansk cookies. LOL.

The Idea: Revisit your childhood. Whether it's through books, movies, music or an activity you used to do, go back and spend some time in that age of innocence.

The Cost: Free, or the cost of the activity.

The Benefit: Sometimes you have to go back in order to move forward. Besides, the things that you used to enjoy when you were a kid can only be even more enjoyable now that you're able to appreciate them.

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