Jun 13, 2008

#76: Make History (Friday, June 13)

Today, I made history. I helped make a closet in the largest Habitat for Humanity Build (to date) in the world. It may not seem like much, but 50 years from now, I can (hopefully) go to that building and tell my grandkids that I helped make a closet for a well-deserving family. Life doesn't get any better than that.

The Idea: Make history. Leave your mark on the world. Do something that (no matter how insignificant you may think it is) will leave the world a better place than you found it.

The Cost: Your time, a few dollars, or just your good energy. :)

The Benefit: I don't know how it'll make you feel, but I feel AMAZING. I feel inspired, and I cannot wait to drive by that little street when it's home to 41 families. What a wonderful feeling.


Gina said...

That is so cool! We don't have HH locally but I know that there are other things that I SHOULD be doing to make a difference...Cool blog!

SimplEnigma said...

I didn't think they did HFH in NYC either, but just happened up on this accidentally. :) Try searching, you never know what you'll find.