Jun 20, 2008

#77: Take A Moment (Friday, June 20)

This was a bad week (yes, believe it or not, I have them). It seemed like unfortunate things came from every angle. In comparison to what other people are going through, it could have been worse -- much worse, I suppose -- but by this morning, I felt defeated. Family life, professional life, personal life all collided with one big thud and seemed to be conspiring to shut me down. I decided that I needed a moment...

The Idea: Take a moment to reflect and regroup. Whether it's a weekend trip, or just a few hours of solitude, just take some time to yourself.

The Cost: Is there any cost too great to pay for peace of mind?

The Benefit: A return to sanity and the chance to get back on track.

I made a promise to myself a couple years ago to try and find at least one positive part of every situation, so this time is no different. I can't leave this post without ending on an upbeat note. The week was not all bad: I made it to Yankee Stadium before they tore it down and saw my first live baseball game. :)

1 comment:

Crankyputz said...

Here's to u looking on the bright side of life!!