Jun 25, 2010

#182: Where Are You? (Friday, June 25)

Today is the 26th Friday of the year; we're exactly half-way through 2010. So this week, there is no link. You've gotten 25 examples of people who are doing great things, pursuing their passions and forging new paths in their lives. This is an opportunity to check in with yourself.

Where are you? How are you doing on the goals you set for yourself earlier this year? Are you on track or have you lost some of the motivation? Did other things force you to re-prioritize or revisit your goals? Are they still realistic?

These are questions only you can answer, but I hope your answers are inspiring and motivate you to make the next half of the year even better and greater than the first half.

Be inspired, be excellent!

Jun 18, 2010

#181: Aye Shanti (Friday, June 18)

I've known Chanty about 10 years, and in all those years, one thing has always been consistent: she's super talented. This woman can make anything. Seriously.

She's one of those people who can whip you up a pair of earrings, a bracelet, or a little thingumajiggy for your hair that sets you apart from everyone else. And you can be sure you'll stand out, because no piece is ever quite like the next.

So a few years ago when she finally used her talent to start Aye Shanti Pieces, no one was happier than I. Now the world can see and partake in what so many of her friends knew a long time ago: Chanty was born to create beautiful, wearable works of art. (This is one of my favorite pieces, as are these.)

Although Chanty's still working on her website, there's no shortage of her work. Check her out on Facebook as well as her blog.

Be excellent!

Jun 11, 2010

#180: Lady of the Dance (Friday, June 11)

I first met Oneika Phillips, or Rachel as she's known to some of her friends, 10 years ago at Caribana. We were at a concert and when the performer and inventor of a popular dance asked for volunteers to come on stage and demonstrate the dance, Rachel didn't hesitate. And showed him up while she was at it. LOL. I admired her pluck and joie d'vivre that day; and many times since.

But Rachel wasn't just on stage for fun; she is a performer at heart. She recently ended an international tour of West Side Story, where she played the lead role of Anita, the first black woman to be awarded the part. *e-high-five*

Said one reviewer of Rachel's performance as Anita, "...Oneika Phillips was the favorite, as a dancer and an actress, she was mindblowing. In her final scene, the audience communally stopped breathing. A 'theatre magic' moment."

And now, I'm excited to report that Rachel is making her debut on Broadway as SWING dancer for the Fela! On Broadway ensemble, which means she has to learn ALL the parts and fill in for any female dancer who cannot make the show. Yeah, hard work...they don't just give that to any dancer on the street, y'know. That takes some serious talent.

And in case you've been hiding under a rock, Fela! has received 11 Tony Award nominations including best music, best direction and best leading actor. And on Monday the female dancer ensemble received the Fred and Adele Astaire award for best female dancers. Pretty awesome, ennit?

So check out Fela! On Broadway, and keep a watchful eye for Miss Rachel Oneika Phillips. She's doing big thangs!

Jun 3, 2010

#179: Making this Life Livable (Friday, June 4)

This week's entry is a little different than many of the ones I've done for the "Be Excellent" theme: I don't know Kwesi Abensetts, the person responsible for these images. I've seen him around, but thought he was a musician or something in fashion, but when I received this link to his work, it captivated me. It is "a dedication to the innocent people who died recently in Kingston, Jamaica..."

Many of you will not see this Jamaica, but this is the Jamaica that should be in the tourism ads; the one that speaks to the strength, dignity and the determination of a people who "just want to get up everyday and provide for their family."

Please check out the James Town tribute, the rest of Kwesi's blog which is filled with amazing images (some contain nudity) of beautiful people, and if you're still hungry for more, visit his professional portfolio at http://kwesiabbensetts.carbonmade.com/