Jun 3, 2010

#179: Making this Life Livable (Friday, June 4)

This week's entry is a little different than many of the ones I've done for the "Be Excellent" theme: I don't know Kwesi Abensetts, the person responsible for these images. I've seen him around, but thought he was a musician or something in fashion, but when I received this link to his work, it captivated me. It is "a dedication to the innocent people who died recently in Kingston, Jamaica..."

Many of you will not see this Jamaica, but this is the Jamaica that should be in the tourism ads; the one that speaks to the strength, dignity and the determination of a people who "just want to get up everyday and provide for their family."

Please check out the James Town tribute, the rest of Kwesi's blog which is filled with amazing images (some contain nudity) of beautiful people, and if you're still hungry for more, visit his professional portfolio at http://kwesiabbensetts.carbonmade.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luminous indeed, hon!