Mar 21, 2014

#377: Do You Measure Up? (Friday, March 21)

"Measure the strength of your relationships by the moments you miss." - Jullien Gordon

By now, you're well into your plan for the year. Some of you may have even gotten a goal or two out of the way already. But how do you know when you've achieved success? What's your measurement?

Some goals are easily measured: "I want to lose X pounds" or "I want to learn to do Y by Z date." Others - like "I want to spend more time with loved ones," or "I want to be happy," or "I want to be successful" - require a little more measurement.

This week's action: Think about your personal mission statement and your goals for this year. How will you know that you're successful in living up to them. Look at each measurement, and see if it makes sense. And for the goals/parts of your mission statement that you "can't measure", should you have a goal that you don't know when you've completed it successfully?

We're up to Week 12. How's it going?

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