Jul 18, 2014

#394: Spouse Material (Friday, July 18)

Imagine that you're single. You meet someone, go on a few dates and you really start to dig them. This situation feels like it actually has the potential to go somewhere.

You go away for a weekend. S/he tells you all about their goals and dreams including the plans they had for 2014. You ask where they are with those plans and they chuckle and admit, embarassedly, that they haven't gotten any of their goals accomplished thus far. They give you reasons why they couldn't get to their goals - it was a hard winter; unexpected things came up; their financial situation was tenuous - but none of the reasons sound like viable ones to you.

Now imagine that the person giving the excuses is you talking to someone you just met. 

This week's action: List all qualities that are important to you when choosing a life partner. All the things you need - not the nice-to-haves. Check the list and see how you stack up against your own list.

Would you want to date someone who was lax about their goals and didn't have their priorities straight? No? Then start actin' up!

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