Dec 29, 2017

Good Friday #574: Floored (Friday, December 29, 2017)

"If you fall, I will be there." -Floor

This week, I'm most grateful for the floors - the people who catch me when I stumble and when I fall; and who are part of my foundation when it's time to build.

To everyone who I called, texted, emailed this year for help - and who gave it unselfishly and openly. To the ones I didn't speak to often, but who comforted me just by knowing you were only a phone call away. To the ones who checked me when I was feeling myself just a little too much. To the ones who encouraged when I wasn't feeling myself enough...

Thank you!

Dec 22, 2017

Good Friday #573: 7.5 (Friday, December 22)

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you, generally?

I think that people should be at least at a 7.5, and so this week, I'm most grateful that after a few solid months at 7, I've surpassed the 7.5 mark. :)

Progress. Lol.

Dec 15, 2017

Good Friday #572: Follow Your Gut (Friday, December 15)

My instincts have saved me thousands of dollars and from heartbreak. It's helped me catch a thief; leave jobs at just the right time; and avoid toxic people.

So this week, I'm most grateful of instincts/sixth sense/gut feelings that help me make tough decisions.

Dec 8, 2017

Good Friday #571: Go Ahead, Be Ungrateful (Friday, December 8)

Sometimes it's hard to feel grateful. You know what you have; you know you've been blessed; and you know you're supposed to be thankful because things could be soooo much worse.

But you're not.

Instead you're focused on that one thing that you want so badly that you don't have.

So go ahead. Be ungrateful. Bitch and whine about all the things that aren't going right in your life. Don't focus on the blessings - ignore those. Just wallow in the negative.

Do you feel any better? Probably not.

Dec 1, 2017

Good Friday #570: TLC (Friday, December 1)

Self-care doesn't always have to be about "treating yo' self."

This week I'm most grateful for self-care activities that rejuvenate my spirit and help keep my sanity.

Nov 24, 2017

Good Friday #569: Understanding (Friday, November 24)

Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:
1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart. 
~Vera Nazarian

This week I'm most grateful for understanding. For those who truly understand me and allow me to be who I am.

Nov 17, 2017

Good Friday #568: Fire Starters (Friday, November 17)

"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -Albert Schweitzer

This week, I'm most grateful for the fire starters who rekindle the flame when it is low.

Nov 10, 2017

Good Friday #567: There's Still Good in the World (Friday, November 11)

With all the stuff in the news these days, it's easy to lose faith in humanity.

This week, I'm most grateful for the NYC Marathon and for stories like this which shows that there is still much love and genuine thoughtfulness in this world.

Nov 3, 2017

Good Friday #566: Meet Me Halfway (Friday, November 3)

...People can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves."

This week, I'm most thankful for self-awareness and the ability to admit when I'm in the wrong.

Oct 27, 2017

Good Friday #565: There's A Great Big World Out There (Friday, October 27)

Sometimes I forget how much world there is out there. I forget how much life people are living that have nothing to do with this country, our politics or our issues.

This week, I'm most grateful for the amazing cultural/historical education I got from Cleverman, on Netflix. It was a wonderful reminder of just how much of the world there is to explore.

Oct 20, 2017

Good Friday #564: My DNA (Friday, October 20)

The world owes you nothing. So when you find those rare, loyal gems who have your back through adversity and accomplishments; keep them close.

This week, I'm most grateful for the people around me who have "loyalty inside their DNA."

Oct 13, 2017

Good Friday #563: Laugh At My Pain (Friday, October 13)

Sometimes when you're going through a bad situation, you can't see the end of it. But know that at some point in the future, you'll be able to laugh about it.

Or even if you can't laugh about it, be able to look back at that difficult time without the pain.

This week I'm most grateful that I can look back at past difficult situations without pain or anger.

Oct 6, 2017

Good Friday #562: This Is Just A Test (Friday, October 6)

Sometimes old situations - challenges, struggles, exes - will pop back up in your life just to test your growth. Don't be fooled by it.

This week, I'm most grateful for old situations that show me how far I've come and how much I've grown.

Sep 29, 2017

Good Friday #561: Divine Intervention (Friday, September 29)

This week I wanted to wring someone's neck. I don't often get upset to that point, but on the rare occasion that I do it goes from 0-100.

So I'm most grateful for divine intervention, which came in the form of A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson - and the gentle reminder that "Negative emotions need to be released, not suppressed."

Sep 22, 2017

#560: A Sorry Replacement (Friday, September 22)

This week, I wanted to share a thought. (I'm not the author, and couldn't find the correct attribution.)

Sep 15, 2017

Good Friday #559: Craven Dog Lose Him Bone (Friday, September 15)

(The greedy dog will lose his bone.)

There's a difference between ambition and greed.

One can be dissatisfied with one's lot or station in life and work hard to change it, and when one does, they are satisfied. They enjoy the fruits of their labors, and are proud of their accomplishments. It may even prompt the person to set other goals and work hard to achieve them. That is ambition.

Greed can never be satisfied. It is selfish, lazy and destructive. It doesn't leave room for many meaningful relationships, because it is always wanting, always looking for greener pastures.

This week, I'm most grateful that I know the difference.

Sep 8, 2017

Good Friday #558: Bloody, But Unbowed (Friday, September 8)

When bad things happen in one's life, it can make a person become hard, unforgiving, jaded and distrustful.

This week, I am most grateful that life has not made me hard; that in spite of some experiences that have bloodied my head; I am still optimistic about what's to come.

Sep 1, 2017

Good Friday #557: Mirror, Mirror (Friday, September 1)

"Your obstacle may be in the mirror." -via @goodnewsjamaica

It's never intentional; and it's a result of my worrying so much, but sometimes I make things more difficult than they need to be. There, I've said it.

This week, I am most grateful that I'm learning to get out of my own way.

Aug 25, 2017

Good Friday #556: It's Incomplete Without "Me" (Friday, August 25)

Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.
Answer: Time

I can bring tears to your eyes;
Resurrect the dead; make you smile
And reverse time.
I form in an instant but I last a life time.
Answer: A memory

All the time you spend with someone, you're creating memories - good memories and bad ones. This week, I'm most grateful for the time and the memories.

Aug 18, 2017

Good Friday #555: I'm Embarrassed! (Friday, August 18)

"A momentary feeling of embarrassment is the reminder that our parents have taught us better." -G. Jackson

A friend of mine posted this quote on his Facebook page years ago and I've loved it ever since. There are times when I'm about to do something or act in a certain way, and I catch myself because I hear one or the other of my parent's voice in my head.

Every day I'm reminded that not everyone has had the benefit of my my upbringing. So this week, I'm  most thankful that I still feel embarrassed when I'm about to do something that goes against my how I was raised. I'm thankful that my parents have taught me better.

Aug 11, 2017

Good Friday #554: No Coincidences (Friday, August 11)

Today I "accidentally" ran into a woman in the bathroom. We got to speaking and she was having a really bad day...heck a bad year.

I thought I'd been having a bad day until I spoke to her.

This week, I'm most thankful that the universe put me in certain situations to remind me of how absolutely blessed I am.

Aug 4, 2017

Good Friday #553: The 5-Second Rule (Friday, August 4)

The 5-Second Rule says that the second you have an idea or want to do something, you have 5 seconds from that point to make a move toward the goal or your brain talks you out of doing it.

This week, I'm most grateful for the friend that shared this concept with me. I've been trying to implement it this week with some wonderful results.

Jul 28, 2017

Good Friday #552: Dye Mon, Gen Mon (Friday, July 28)

"Dye mon, gen mon." -Haitian proverb
Beyond the mountains, more mountains.

I misunderstood this proverb when I first heard it. I made up my own interpretation, which is the exact opposite of what the proverb actually means. 

But it works for me. So this week, I'm most thankful for perspective and interpretation. :)

Jul 21, 2017

Good Friday #551: Squad Goals

I am blessed to have a circle of friends who are absolutely phenomenal. I cannot imagine my life without them and they mean the world to me.

This week (and every week) I'm grateful that God has blessed me with such amazing, supportive friendships. Not everyone is that lucky.

Jul 14, 2017

Good Friday #550: 4:44 (Friday, July 14)

It's hard to find people you can truly trust. People who you can reveal your fears, sadnesses and disappointments to, and they will love you the same. They won't judge you, and you can be as honest as you want.

This week: I'm most thankful that I know a few of those people. People I can call in a bind and they'll drop everything to listen.

Jul 7, 2017

Good Friday #549: Paying Your Dues (Friday, July 7)

What if...everything you're going through right now is preparing you for a dream bigger than you can imagine?

This week I'm most thankful for the patience to bide my time, count my blessings and wait my turn.

Jun 30, 2017

Good Friday #548: My Cape is at the Cleaners (Friday, June 30)

As a strong woman, it's hard to relinquish control. It's hard to ignore the pressure/expectation that you will always be super woman and that you've always "got it."

But sometimes you don't "got it" and that's ok.

This week, I'm most thankful that I'm learning to be ok with taking time for me without feeling guilty.

Self care isn't selfish.

Jun 23, 2017

Good Friday # 547: Ms. Right (Friday, June 23)

This week, I'm most grateful that I'm learning that sometimes being right isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I'm learning to choose my battles, and to focus less on being right and more on making sure that the situation is resolved.

Jun 16, 2017

Good Friday #546: Enjoy Who You Are (Friday, June 16)

This week I am most grateful that I'm happy enough to enjoy who I am, even when life isn't going great. :)

Jun 9, 2017

#545: Protect Your Peace (Friday, June 9)

People will try you.
They will irk you to your very core.
You will be tempted to respond in ways that don't represent who you are.
Resist the urge.

This week, I'm thankful that years of learning and experience have taught me to be disciplined about what I respond and react to.

Jun 2, 2017

#544: Right Now....(Friday, June 2)

Right now, life is happening. Be spontaneous and be part of it.

This week, I'm most thankful that I went with the flow, accepted a couple of last minute invitations and had an amazing week because of it.

May 26, 2017

#543: Two Wolves (Friday, May 26)

This week, I'm most thankful that only one of my wolves is thriving, and the other is being given enough only to sustain him for times of need. (Because sometimes you need a little arrogance, superiority and ego to let people know your value.)

May 19, 2017

#542: Fortune Favors the Bold (Friday, May 19)

There is nothing more frightening than a dream come true. When you are bold enough to take the first step toward your dreams, the Universe will support and reward you.

This week, I'm most thankful that I'm learning to recognize my self-saboteurish ways, and trying not to let them get in the way of my dreams.

May 12, 2017

Good Friday #541: No More Elephants! (Friday, May 12)

Here's to the gal who hated any type of confrontations; who'd let things slide and allow people to get away with things they shouldn't - all because she didn't want drama.

Here's to the gal who finally stood up and spoke her piece, and her voice was heard.

This week, I'm most grateful that I dodged a situation that could have ended badly. But I'm also extremely grateful that that experience inspired me to not take my life for granted and to speak up when I have something on my chest.

The elephant in the room doesn't have to be there.

May 5, 2017

#540: Where Are My Keys? (Friday, May 5)

Have you ever gone crazy looking for your keys, then realized that they were in your pocket the whole time? 
You see, we go crazy at times looking for the keys to success when we had them in our possession the whole time.
The keys to success are in your possession - just reach into your pocket. 
-DJ Showtime

Whether it's success, strength, perseverance or some other goal, some people don't know that they already have the keys. So they look for it in places that it'll never be, or totally give up and decide that their keys are lost for good. 

While I haven't yet found my keys, this week I'm grateful that I have enough self-confidence to know that they're somewhere in my possession. Because knowing where to look is half the battle.

Apr 28, 2017

#539: No Reason (Friday, April 28)

"Love reason.
When you love someone for a reason and that reason disappears, so does the love."

This week, I'm most thankful for those who love me without a reason.

Apr 21, 2017

#538: Are You Ok?

A lot of crazy things happened in the world this week. That, added to the ongoing personal struggles we each face daily, can make it difficult to cope. It's good to know that there are people who care enough to call and simply say, "Are you ok?"

That's what I'm most grateful for this week - those who think to ask the question with an open, non-judgemental heart - and those who answer it in the same way.

Apr 14, 2017

#537: A Sense of Purpose (Friday, April 14)

If you're Christian, you know that Good Friday is the day that Jesus was mocked and beaten in the streets.

Why would he endure that? Why wouldn't he run and hide, knowing the fate that awaited him, especially if he was innocent? Well, because he knew he had a greater purpose.

Why are you here? What is your purpose in this life?

This week, I'm grateful that I have a purpose and a plan. I'm thankful that I have dreams and things that I aspire to. There are so many who are just blowing with the wind.

Apr 7, 2017

#536: The Appearance of Things (Friday, April 7)

“The appearance of things changes according to the emotions; and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.” - Kahlil Gibran

This week, I'm most grateful that I was raised to be unconcerned about appearances, about how things look - but rather to go with how it makes me feel.

Mar 31, 2017

#535: Traveling (Friday, March 31)

you still want to travel to 
you could not take a camera with you.
- a question of appropriation

~nayyirah waheed 

This week, I'm most grateful for travel experiences. To be able to see and experience other cultures different from (and sometimes the same as!) my own is an opportunity I realize many people don't have. I'm so thankful for that.

Mar 24, 2017

#534: The Friendship Standard (Friday, March 24)

Friendships are a beautiful thing. And when they are based on mutual respect and reciprocity, it's even better.

This week, I'm most grateful for friends maintain the friendship standard. Friends who treat me how they want to be treated, who are kind/supportive, who don't compete, who are honest when they need to be and hold me accountable. :)

Here's to friendship.

Mar 17, 2017

#533: The Half-Empty Crew (Friday, March 17)

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
There are some people who can find the negative in almost any situation. This week I'm most grateful that my circle contains very few of the Half-Empty Crew. Here's to people who choose to see (and believe in) the possibilities.

Mar 10, 2017

#532: Curve (Friday, March 10)

1. n: the act of rejecting an individual's advances or expressions of interest
(via Urban Dictionary)

There have been a few times that I've been romantically (and professionally!) curved. It always worked for the best. This week I'm most grateful for last romantic curve. :)

Mar 3, 2017

#531: They May Not Be Perfect, But They're Mine (Friday, March 3)

I am not super close with most of my siblings. I've always been kind of a loner. However, when times are tough, we're able to put any differences aside and band together to get things done.

So this week, I'm most grateful for my siblings. Sometimes they annoy and frustrate me, and they're not perfect, but I got a good bunch. :)

Feb 24, 2017

#530: I Like Muhself (Friday, February 24)

"So ah eatin' bess, ah drinkin' bess,
Ah steppin out fresh fuh de Carnival..."
-Lil Rick, I Like Muhself (Cropover 2012)

There are many people walking around who are unhappy with who they are. Most of them are masters of disguise, so they're able to hide it very well - in sharp clothes, big bank accounts and all the trappings of a "great life."

But when I think about me and the person that I am, I truly love her. Honestly! Yes, sometimes I wish I had a fitter body, that my knees didn't ache when it rains, but overall there's no one else I'd rather be.

This week, I'm most grateful that I'm comfortable with who I am. :)

Feb 17, 2017

#529: It's All I Ever Wanted (Friday, February 17)

Sometimes not getting what you want can be a wonderful stroke of luck.
For most of us, our main objective in life is to get the things we want and accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. But sometimes things don't go as planned. You don't get that promotion, or the job, or the guy/girl, or something else that you want so badly.
But you know what? Failure teaches you how to appreciate success; being overlooked/rejected teaches you humility and makes you try harder; and not getting what you want can put you on the path to something amazing.
This week, I'm most grateful for not getting what I want. Can't imagine my life any other way. :)

Feb 10, 2017

#528: Says Who? (Friday, February 10)

Sometimes when I reflect on where I've been at certain points in my life, and where I am today, I can't help but be proud of myself.

This week, I'm most grateful for the ability to reflect on parts of my life, and to see progression. :)

Feb 3, 2017

#527: Ms. Understood (Friday, February 3)

I used to look at misunderstandings as a clear sign that the other person hadn't taken the time to get to know me. For they knew me, I reasoned, they would never think me capable of the actions that created our misunderstanding.

Recently, I've changed my mind. A misunderstanding can be a wonderful gateway into a conversation.

This week, I'm grateful for misunderstandings that spark conversations.

Jan 27, 2017

#526: That's Gonna Leave A Mark! (Friday, January 27)

If you live your best life, do the things YOU want to do and be yourself, you'll impress and inspire those around you, without even knowing it.

This week, I am most grateful for the impact I've had. That I was able to leave a memorable impression on people I met by just being me.

Jan 20, 2017

#525: I Was There (Friday, January 20)

"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened."

As we prepare for the end of an era in American History, this week I'm most grateful that I was here to be part of it.

Nothing can erase the memories I have of driving down to DC for the first inauguration. Of standing in the freezing cold, making friends with strangers, and the general energy of celebration and hopefulness that was in the air.

Nothing can erase my pride at seeing and hearing young minority children dream bigger and reach higher because they had role models in White House in whom they saw themselves.

The past eight years were historical, and is an experience that I will always hold dear. I was there.

Jan 13, 2017

#524: Long Conversations (Friday, January 13)

It seems like we rarely have long conversations anymore. Everyone is always in a rush, or wants to text, or catch up via social media.

I was fortunate this week to have not one, not two, but three really long and meaningful catch ups. We laughed, cried, talked about our feelings, our frustrations, and our hopes for the future.

So this week, I'm most grateful for that: long, personal conversations that don't include politics, current affairs or anything but just the thoughts of two people engaged in a meaningful exchange. :)

Jan 6, 2017

#523: Two Jars (Friday, January 6)

Happy New Year!
It's our 11th Anniversary of Good Fridays!

So the theme this year is gratitude. Each Friday, I want you to take 10 minutes of your day and write down all the things that happened during that week for which you're thankful. Select the "best" one and put it in your Gratitude Jar.

The second jar is for Moments. This isn't a weekly jar - you just put something in whenever you have a fantastic moment. Just jot it down on a piece of paper and put it in your Moments Jar.

At the end of the year, you'll have a collection of great moments and things that you're grateful for...hopefully throughout the year, you can go to your jars when you need some help to get through the not-so-great times.

Here's to filling up our jars!

This week I'm most grateful for friends who can get together and have a great time without checking/posting on social media. :)