Sep 28, 2007

#39: Continue the Cycle (Friday, September 28)

I think everyone knows how I feel about teachers. In my opinion, they are the most powerful people on this earth, because they possess the ability to change and shape minds. Now we can all be teachers...

The Idea: Learn something new, then teach it to someone else. Some of you may know of my commitment to do something I've never done before every month. Think how much more learning could be accomplished if I shared that new thing with someone else who also hadn't done it before?

The Cost: Depends on what you decide to learn.

The Benefit: Each new experience increases your knowledge, and passing that knowledge on to someone else can help create change in the world!

Testimonial: I promise to share all the new things I'm learning in Egypt with as many people as I can. I also will try to invite someone along for my monthly "Do Something New" exursions from now on.

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